28 January 2011

Posted from phone.

Got a new phone today. AT&T wants to get rid of their 2G phones and switch to a 3G network. Casualty of this exchange is the loss of my unlocked, media-playing phone. Now what will I do with all the accessories that came with it? :( Also my old text messages were all gone...but i suppose that's me not smart enough to take the SIM card out as well. This phone is newer & more fanshy, but has inferior photo and mp3 capabilities. Also, no space for my TARDIS.

26 January 2011

Looking for work when your self-esteem is shit doesn't work because nothing feels like something you're able to do.
I couldn't talk the whole time because all I could think of were how my teeth hurt and how I almost said something hurtful in attempt to vent.

24 January 2011

The gap is wide and sometimes it doesn't connect.

23 January 2011

There's really no suitable perpetual audience for this sort of stuff.

It's been a while since I felt crappy like this.
Feeling so doubtful and unsure.
Also needy.
And fat.

Maybe I desperately need some kind of acknowledgement, too.

Stuck stuck stuck stuck stuck stuck stuck
In poor living situation.
I hate it so much.

One can only dump this on another so many times before one feels guilty for ruining precious social experiences and fear for being seen as too egocentric.