28 February 2004

The Play-making for a Japanese Video project is great. We laughed our heads off, besides killing Jon in the process.

In reguard to last post, after Jon saw that we're serious about posting it on our web journals, he denied his own words and called us crazy. Here I'll entertain you [very mildly] with another quote of today. Note, Amy's Japanese name is Kitsune, and she used a barney puppet.

Jon:..and Amy is Barney
Amy: It's Kitsune, Yo!
Kat: Why are you always talking about Tim? Is there something going between you and him?
Jon: Yeah, we're madly in love.


I'm at Kat's. And Jon just tried to destroy this documentation.

27 February 2004

According to CLAMP, the neko no hi, or Cat's Day, is on February 22.

26 February 2004

I changed a few things on the side bar, and made the log font bigger so it doesn't kill people's [and my] eyes.

� Diamond - Yoko Kanno//Earth Girl Arujuna :: a Piano Solo �
Sure is nice to get home at 3:30pm. Not that I dread robotics, just that yesterday, as I've said before, seemed more tiring than I've ever have in this six-week building period. Maybe I relaxed...And wh00t, I only have to read 2 chapters in Great Expectations [yesterday's homework]! By the bye, Nicholas Nickleby is a good movie, and because I missed some middle part, I want to watch it again...Maybe I'll go find the book some time and read it.

'Our robot attacked our programmer autonomously.' - sanddrag//team 696, Glendale, CA : that held true for me on the last 2 days...LoL
� Shell - Bana//Witch Hunter Robin :: Opening �

25 February 2004

15 minutes ago I tried to blog and the computer suddenly died. Don't even know why or how. Anyways, We boxed the bot around 8:50pm. Although the bot doesn't quite do what we want it to do when it's on one side of the beacon and destroys the field if it's on the other side, everything else pretty much worked and we boxed it. Besides, we can still tune the sensors; we are allowed to keep them, and we can always put the sensor on our old bot to test it. Wow, it's stressing to always almost get run over by the robot, LoL. I was behind the beacon to manually turn in and to stop the bot from ramming through the beacon...so since the bot detects the Infrared from the beacon and drives towards it, I'm usually the target. It's kind of scary when the sensors snap/targets towards you =^^;;= Yes, yes, I enjoy the thrill of being on the verge of getting run over/death. I've never felt mentally tired in robotics until now, and today was really tiring... Maybe also because of my first/second day of that darned monthly business.

24 February 2004

AHHHH! Tomorrow is the last day of the 6-week building period and the sensors on the robot is STILL not working properly! Although we did work until 9pm today X( So Arnie is right:
B: and there i sat there and thought you liked robotics.
A: lol
A: i like it
A: its just that it gets tiring
A: esp. when the thing you make arent working

ONLY 5-6 HRS LEFT TO FIX IT!!! =oO;;;=

'C is screwing up my English �I'm ending all my sentence in semi-colons;' - Anthony Kesich

� Shell guitar version - Witch Hunter Robin : Witch Hunter Robin OST1 �
A pretty good version of FF VII Advent Children Trailer XD

22 February 2004

Finally, after all that stalling and things, I've finally moved the blog back to Blog*spot. And kAKerU is offically open =)


Anyways, I will be going to robotics soon [passerby A: What? on a sunday morning?], and yes, on a sunday morning. This week is our last building week, and we're trying to have the robot fully functional/make spare parts, so we have all next week to test drive, etc. Why else do you think I'm up so early on a sunday?

...Currently Patching Ragnarok Online for Sakray...

'If you keep chasing my shadow, the real me will pass you someday!' - Shindou Hikaru : Hikaru no Go :: Classic quote =)
� Days - Hikaru no Go : Hikaru no Go - Best of : I'll Be the One single :: touched by the lyrics �

18 February 2004

OKAY. So on Feb 13 [Fri] benson gave me a rose and and confirmed what I knew...

OKAY. Then on Valentine's Day I went to Japanese Cultural Festival. The Yukata/Bon Odori session was cool. And I won the Logo contest, and my first ever t-shirt design is printed on a t-shirt. And I won a G-Shock. Xd

Yeah. My mother is pissed at me right now and is kicking me off the computer and not letting me see the Witch Hunter Robin dub on Adult Swim [btw, the dub's not bad, it seems...but then again, I only saw 13 min of it].

12 February 2004

nee, I haven't updated in quite some time now, eh? Anyways, in Robotics now [hehehe, yes, slacking], and have nothing to do XD Besides, my head is throbbing right now. Meh, yeah yeah, I will try and FIX the layout so people can actually read this....and Yang just came by to tell us to go to work [with colorful vocabulary] =P hmm...it'd be mpointless to change the relays for the arm and the wings because it just doesn't make sense for the arm valves to be on the controller...and now we're trying to crack the PS CS trial get PS CS to work =)

wait. Did I loose some of my previous posts? where are my quotes?!

"We exist" - Larry Wang