17 February 2006

The Fucking Social Retard.

“He wondered how he could not look as disappointed as he felt. He wanted to go. Truthfully, it would have been nice. He could easily not attend the dinner, he knew he would do well at the recital and all the other assignments, council and class related, could wait until Sunday. He sighed inwardly, it was too late now, he thought.”

“'...Maybe it was you that kept them at a distance…that kept them away from your apartment. Maybe you were the one to wave good bye so quickly once you’d crossed the lines of the basketball court and the school gates.'”

“'...Maybe it was I who kept them at a distance, ignoring their invitations and using my council meetings as an excuse. Maybe I was the one to dismiss it too quickly when someone got too close.'”

“Maybe it was just us all along that kept them at arms length.”

Spiral Falling by Becca Amon

I hate myself. I'm such a social retard. Robotics today paralled this scene so well it makes me an even bigger loser.


  1. Anonymous17.2.06

    Heh, well, at least you're not _________________

  2. What'd you do this time?
