31 January 2007

Older, Happier, and getting e-valentinrs

■ PsycPort.com: Older may mean happier

No, I'm not having difficulties coming to terms with my age, no.

■ "Valentinrs is an online deposit of Valentines greetings... " (notice the grammatical error on the 3rd sentence. (winces) Even I don't make that sort of mistake...often.

Pass 1

I thought my pass 1 time is at Monday, 5 Feb 6:30pm when I looked yesterday.

Garris and I joked about how it's not 6:30am this morning in chem.

Well, apparently it will be at 6:30, am.

03 January 2007


Haha, was just looking through some other people's blogs and their first posts of the year are mostly "Happy New Year" while I just complain incessantly.

Perhaps one of my real resolutions is to not complain so much XD

As I Thought...

Went to Plant+EnvironSci building to check server status and stuff this morning and went back to the room to double check everything again, according to their instructions. Borrowed Amy's cable/port to check, but to no prevail.

Calc break 1000-1050. Garris and Thomas(Shiwei) are also in Kouba. Don't know which discussion section they're enrolled in, but that doesn't matter.

Just went into ITexpress (in the Shields Library) and asked about the connection, and as I thought, the server is not receiving the newly registered physical addresses. Who knows when they'll get everything fixed...currently outside, in the courtyard of the library, because the heating is too warm for what I have on. Aren't you proud, Larry? I'm actually wearing clothing too warm for indoors!

Wireless eats batteries like it's been deprived all its life.

I suppose I'll go to the CoHo for some lunch and hop over to see if I can get in today's 1310-1600 CHE2b lab.

Edit 20070103 12:04: oops, there are no labs this week.

02 January 2007

This Curse on electronics of mine is getting annoying. Is there someone up there that really wants to see the extent to which I can adapt to adversities in college? Because that someone is overdoing it. It's not amusing anymore.

I really don't need to not be able to connect to the LAN the day before classes and the day after New Year's. Neither do I deserve all this shite after incidents all last quarter. And I'm referring to more than my Curse. I hope I can at least sleep well tonight.

Waking up bright and early tomorrow so I can lug all this stuff to...Plant and Environ Sciences building, since it's the closest place with wireless coverage.

Fuckinghell I hate my life right now =)

I wish death to all those morons who were making noises all evening =)

01 January 2007

I don't want to go back i don't i'm not ready don't make me everything is a mess i can't keep doing what i did maybe i should drop one of the classes i'm not ready i don't wanna go this is too much to manage i don't want to decide and deal with everything i need to can i just be spoiled i'd like that.