03 January 2007

As I Thought...

Went to Plant+EnvironSci building to check server status and stuff this morning and went back to the room to double check everything again, according to their instructions. Borrowed Amy's cable/port to check, but to no prevail.

Calc break 1000-1050. Garris and Thomas(Shiwei) are also in Kouba. Don't know which discussion section they're enrolled in, but that doesn't matter.

Just went into ITexpress (in the Shields Library) and asked about the connection, and as I thought, the server is not receiving the newly registered physical addresses. Who knows when they'll get everything fixed...currently outside, in the courtyard of the library, because the heating is too warm for what I have on. Aren't you proud, Larry? I'm actually wearing clothing too warm for indoors!

Wireless eats batteries like it's been deprived all its life.

I suppose I'll go to the CoHo for some lunch and hop over to see if I can get in today's 1310-1600 CHE2b lab.

Edit 20070103 12:04: oops, there are no labs this week.


  1. Not so proud. Can't you just be at the right temperature?
    Tomorrow's the next meeting of that lab you want to get into, huh. If it's full maybe you can free up some slots. I'm sure you can think of a method.

  2. Homeostasis is too difficult to maintain.
