26 February 2009

Ha! Dead circuits in the house.

So I came out of the shower to find a portion of the house out of electricity: two of three sets of outlets in my room, hallway light and outlet, all of the living room plugs (save two), and one kitchen wall outlet (the one with the router)--essentially, everything along and near the central divide between the housing quarters and the living quarters. Or between the bathroom and bedrooms and living room and kitchen. I suspect it's whatever that causes the area above the ceiling valve-thing above the foot of my bed to make echoing noises whenever it rains. (The valve noises is how I can tell it's raining outside!).

A blown fuse wasn't the problem; it would have killed off all of the outlets in both bedrooms (6 total) plus the hallway plugs, anyway.

So I spent some time rewiring my room: one outlet strip is moved to the outlet next to my table, from which the stereo, laptop, external hard drive, heater, and router (brought in from the kitchen) draws power. The iPod now draws power from my laptop through an USB extension cable and hooked up to the stereo. It hangs in mid-air behind my chair because the alternative is to drape the almost long enough cable down the other side of me, thereby greatly increasing my risk of tripping and somehow knocking into the heater, inevitably burning some gratings onto some body part.

By the way, did I mention that I've been sick and sleep deprived for the past week and is currently forced to keep awake on chocolate-coated espresso beans? After demolishing about a third in about 10 days, they don't even seem strong enough now—I have to eat off the chocolate first, then crunch on the naked bean for the bam. And I'm pretty sure the sugar in the chocolate is making me more sick. A said I sound even more sick than when I first announced that I have finally succumbed to whatever that has been going around. Due to running around campus delivering (late) Valentine's roses without an umbrella in the the rain. (I just tried to spell umbrella with an e (in place of u), then again with a p (in place of the b), and some other odd variations. Ha, I'm getting more and more out of it.)

These three weeks seemed to have largely restore my ability to stay semi-functional with little to no sleep, something I haven't done much since junior year of high school. Actually, even then, it wasn't done with this degree of frequency. Or in sickness.

Wow I suck this quarter. Terrible on tests, not writing papers, no ambition, a fucking wreck,forgetting to do online homework, skipping classes, not working on important projects, sleeping about 3 hours on average with a pretty bad flu, biting off more than I could chew, accidentally wiping about 8GB of files from my computer then prioritising its recovery efforts before my lab report that was due the next day...Oh, and spending all this time blogging. About the only thing that got done was the double major petition.

I am such a fucking genius.

18 February 2009

Percieved dehydration

There's just something about being forced to pee every thirty minutes that makes my (usual) dehydrated state more noticeable and irritable.

...Because I normally just ignore it.

07 February 2009


I woke up hardly an hour ago, but today is still shaping up to be the best one in the past 3 years. Surrounding days notwithstanding. After all, I wasn't staying up getting my heart tugged around, inevitably pulling hard on the tear gland. Nor was I staying up avoiding my birthday party, not because of the company but because of an impending test.

This year, despite being lost about my direction in life and a real need to finish that report and plan this presentation and sort out that research schedule, today I will play. I slept for 17 hours (19 would be a better number) and is ready to forget about everything else, just for a day.

As an afterthought, maybe today just feels great because it's been somewhat crap for the past two weeks. Huh.