07 February 2009


I woke up hardly an hour ago, but today is still shaping up to be the best one in the past 3 years. Surrounding days notwithstanding. After all, I wasn't staying up getting my heart tugged around, inevitably pulling hard on the tear gland. Nor was I staying up avoiding my birthday party, not because of the company but because of an impending test.

This year, despite being lost about my direction in life and a real need to finish that report and plan this presentation and sort out that research schedule, today I will play. I slept for 17 hours (19 would be a better number) and is ready to forget about everything else, just for a day.

As an afterthought, maybe today just feels great because it's been somewhat crap for the past two weeks. Huh.

1 comment:

  1. Hallo.

    Happy birthday. I missed it by a day but, eh. I'm always missing birthdays and christmases and the like. I was never really good at that. I hope you can forgive this.

    It seems like you're going through some rough times. I wish you well.

    You've probably already seen this, but maybe this will cheer you up a little bit.

