01 October 2012


Sometimes, I think this would be a good way to introduce myself, on the back of the card in smallprint:

Hello, thank you for saying hello to me, even if I may not like you or have prejudices towards you because of your habits and frame of mind. I am not very good at maintaining contact and have self-worth issues but is actually inwardly emotionally needy. It causes me problems because I also hate superfluous social niceities and admire people who don't give a fuck, so I tend to leave myself a bit stranded in trying to seem coolly aloof. 
If you don't mind me dropping off the planet and get into (not diagnosed) depressive episodes, do come talk to me; people are interesting, and whether or not I like you, the chances are I'm more likely to just avoid responding to stuff that I disagree with rather than chew you out. Unless you want me to. I can do that too. Or discuss things with you, if you promise to try not to be offended, because I've been trained to not be offending. 

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