24 August 2014

Sometimes I get into weird headspaces and decide that because all of my friends are being healthy and exercising and I'm not, eating is undesirable and might as well not eat, since it's more convenient not to. I know it's weird and not healthy, but I can't snap out of it. And I'm also resentful that because everyone lives half an hour away, joining them is not really worth it, especially when everyone is close to home and have options to just go home or want to go home when it's not really the case for me. And I get shit from Father for sleeping over. I hate being left out or left behind, but sometimes I'm just tired of running out every weekend for this or that and spontaneous stuff that's local for them and not for me is just so fucking out of the way. But I still hate being left out. I hate myself. I hate what I am. This is the time when I'm eighty percent sure I'm better off not existing or just alone. I don't deserve other people when I'm just a piece of shit in general. I'm ugly and scum.

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