30 December 2003

Uhh...last week of winter break =oO;;= and i haven't accomplished much. At all. amari nai. And the cat right now is sleeping on my left arm. He's getting heavy =oO;;= Silly kitty, I love him. Did I mention that we went to see Monarch butterflies on Sunday the 28th and I took pictures of them using a monocular?

I currently have all the Hikaru no Go anime [all 75!!], and am trying to burn them onto CDs. I've already messed up 3. I don't know what happened, but after burning the CD would have reduced total memory with no contents. =~"~;;= Last night and today so far I've been organizing my hard drives. renaming them and putting them in the right places, etc.

I got presents for 5 or so people. I wish I can get more allowance. I need it. OH by the way, it seems like I'm getting through to my mother to buy me a PS2.

AHHHH I still need to make a new layout!! and still trying to find what is wrong with Blogger & Prohosting. Maybe I'll try using Greymatter instead.

I'm getting fat and my drawing skills are not getting better. Which reminds me, the Third Rising Stars of Manga [RSOM] begins accepting entries on January 1, 2k4! Must start storyboarding, Kit-chan! And there's always the homework...

I really like the lyrics of Hikaru no Go openings & endings. +sniff+

'The you begin to ask, "what is reason? What is logic?"' - John Nash : A Beautiful Mind
� The Huge Tree in the Tukamori - Tonari no Totoro [My neighbor Totoro] :: OST �

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