14 July 2006



As Colin, you are lively, friendly and inquisitive! Just make sure you don't get in people's way too much.

As Malfoy, you are rude, confident, cocky and like to have your way. You gain respect in the wrong places for your vindictiveness and malice.

As Fudge, the Minister of Magic, you are persuasive, confident and intelligent, yet often value beauracracy over pragmatism. Your leadership skills will help you move upwards in life.

MUAHAHAHA, ph34r the Slytherin Creevy! I will aquire blackmail material from every one of my schoolmates and harass Draco and Harry into photoshoots using my trusty camera to make millions!

Though, by tempering with some variations, I also have gotten Potter(Griffindor), Fleur(Ravenclaw), and Voldy (Slytherin).

Guess I just don't have a very Harry-universe kind of personality, seeing that I never once score above 55%...meh, whatever.

1 comment:

  1. Professor McGonagall, huh. That's good.
    I didn't even notice Colin in any of the movies.
