24 August 2006

A bit of astronomy newsstuff...? + Zoids

■ Farewell, Pluto: BLOG: SciAm Observations

Background-ish stuff?
■ And Then There Were Twelve: BLOG: SciAm Observations

Article from the Washington Post:
■ Pluto Is No Longer a Planet, Astronomers Say

Anyway, heard it through the Chinese radio noon news section and saw link in the SciAm RSS. It seems kinda strange to kill off Pluto now oO; Hrm.

On another note...I wouldn't know if toonami's showing Zoids/Zero again (since I haven't watched much TV since 1-2 years ago and no longer have RCN after we cut off their internet service), but watching a random, unsubbed episode of Zoids Genesis piped my interest again.

First was Zoids/Shinseki Zero on Toonami, then I got excited about Zoids Chaotic Century (which is the series before Zero, actually). Don't remember if I saw the whole series but prob'ly saw the end. Toonami mushed it up with Guardian Force (CC's sequel) anyway. I'm pretty sure I saw some of that too, but must have skipped out on the middle bit. (only remembers squabbling over the Raven bits and laughing over Thomas Richard Schubaltz...poor guy, really. I'd totally ship Schubaltz/Fiona if only out of pity for him XD) I was a PTSD Raven fangirl for a while after the series ended too. I prefered Shadow and the Geno Breaker (Raven's) over Zeke and the Blade Liger anyway...ANYWAY, I remember bits about the end to GF and whining about how Raven is not actually dead, so I must have watched it.

After a long while I discovered Zoids Fuzors on some Azn channel (that's what they were actually called;;;;) on saturday, but it looked kinda boring, so I didn't hunt down its schedule or watch it again. And a few days ago a raw Zoids Genesis episode caught my eye. Decided it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. Didn't like it because it was super different from CC/GF/Zero and looks much cornier because they all look like 8-yr-olds going into war. Like the dragonball series, all the power-ups/modifications just got ridiculous, with the 'BioZoids' and different time-limited modes (reminded me of KH2)...so the Zoids/Zero fangirl resurfaced.

Wikipedia is lovely in helping me with taming the maniac(otaku) from within, btw.

Oops. Ranted.

Btw, noticed the new dictionary.com look.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't like Schubaltz at the time. He wasn't that bad, but he sure looked like he was. Too much eyeshadow, I think.

    AZN channel is what used to be International Channel. They changed at some point when they realized that me and the Dazins were the only ones that watched the French films and nobody liked Namaste America.

    It's not a Dragonball thing, although that's probably one of the most egregious examples. It's just one of those unavoidable things that comes with the unwillingness to end a series combined with lazy writers who make the easy choice of having the main characters overcome adversity through growing and becoming stronger.

    I always liked that red raptorish looking thing with the sniper rifle in its tail. The kind Naomi had. Or the Liger Zero Panzer. Explosions and stuff, y'know.
