21 April 2007

Death Week ♥

It's barely almost 1 am. Eyes are dry, droopy and, according to Mother, red.

Tomorrow I go to Japan Town for the Sakura Matsuri...and to buy stuff in Kinokuniya. Oh, gotta go get money before leaving tomorrow. Parents will not be going, so aunt will take me there.

Could not contact Larry this afternoon, nor now. Well. Isn't this just dandy, right after missing my train because Amtrak ticket sellers was slow and made me miss my train.

Watching 1x08 Doctor Who: Father's Day. Made me dislike Rose more and made me ♥ his dad. Hmm...no blood even for a fatal injury.

This week:
S: Study Bio
M: Study Bio
T: Bio exam 1 & Study Calc
W: Calc exam 1 & Do Chem Lab
T: Chem Lab & Study Chem
F: Woke up at 7:30 for breakfast in DC, studied more between that and classes, Chem exam 1, failed, came back and sort of packed and cleaned, googled Mokona=Modoki with Amy (got me interested in Tsubasa/xxxHolic again), walked to Amtrak station, got there 10min early, was in line for 15 because of some stupid women (though I already reserved my ticket; the reservation machine was broken), waited more while said women fiddled with how to print the ticket for 5min, waited for the next train for 50min, and didn't get to Milbrae Station until 8:50. Yeah, great, just a joyful week. Oh, and guess what, I'm watching creepy Doctor Who 1x09, while I should be showering and sleeping and waking at 9am so I get out the door by 10.

Yay for stress and self-loathing and Rose is really starting to irritate me. Little kids going 'mommy' is creepy. And Christopher Eccleston is bleh...like he's always grimacing. Gah, the 'mommy' kid is creepy.

Yes, I'm getting ranty. Should go sleep. Or shower, then sleep. Er, not before I finish this episode anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you reorganized everything. You called Rose a him, btw. And yes, no blood in a children's show. Usually, the lack of it isn't really felt. Dalek death rays or whatever they are (how did you like Dalek, anyways?) wouldn't cause bleeding anyways, nor the extradimensional reapers in Father's Day.
    At least you can hope that, since they do have a time machine, they can still meet her dad again at some point.

    Maybe you would like Rose more after Long Game/Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways. At least you'd see her do something besides scream and ask questions and get them in trouble, though really, that is the main purpose of the Doctor's companions, especially the female ones. (And as romantic interest in the new seasons, apparently. And although they didn't do it with Mickey nor Adam, they did show little with Jack that they wouldn't mind showing that with male companions either.) The male companions occasionally also get used as a source of muscle when the story's world-saving requires it and the Doctor in the current incarnation is unfortunately a frail old man. Although Jack does have a hint of that.
    And before I continue any farther down that path maybe it would help to check whether you've actually finished The Doctor Dances.
