28 January 2008

Macrosclarids and Cotyledons

I finally realized the detrimental effects of an undemanding plant biology course has on me. As a warning to all others, I have listed below are several symptoms that may indicate a plant biology course gone wrong:
» Eating sweet peas and think, "thank you macrosclarids and palisade parenchyma for standing up to my poor cooking skills and not go all soft and mushy on me!"
» Eating cashews and think, "mmm...cotyledons....mmm plant babies are yummy."
» Attempting to write erotic drabble on cashews.
» Attempting to write erotic drabble on yogurt.

It is my utmost sincere wish that others would learn a lesson through me and recognize these symptoms before it's too late.


27 January 2008

I'm in love.

Can't get enough
Creamy white and smooth skin,
Snippy and tart, but with a soft, yielding body
with just enough sweetness underneath.

I'm in love
With my homemade yogurt.

I promise I'll work on my food erotica poems a little harder next time.


Title: Strongest Wind
Gift for: pcby
Rating:: G
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts 2
Characters: Sora
Warnings: None n_n
Artist notes: Brush and pattern are from 77words
Summary:There were a few fandoms I was familiar with, but Kingdom Hearts just stuck out the most. ^^ I tried to sneak around and find out just what PcBY liked as far as KH2 goes, but I fail at ninja-secret santa research. Still, I wanted to make something calming and cheerful! Something that says, "Be strong! Good luck with this coming New Year!". Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I barely squeezed out a couple comments of thank you in the eminent urge to just go ash;fawnmwa,s hawfh wl and explode into a pile of gibbering parts.

I think I feel a little bad for not putting more requests in fear of lack of compatibility...seems like my santa was also a little lost as to how to draw something suitable...oops.

I feel all bubbly inside now. Can't wait until the reveals so I can go stalk my ninja secret santa ♥

17 January 2008

Bill Clinton at UC Davis.

I was there. The line went all the way round the football soccer field and the ARC, then back at where the like started. Luckily, I was at where the end met the beginning, and when they opened the door, we cut! Good thing I was stupid and went around the lines looking for the end and didn't just line up when I did see the end of the line...

A friend had housemates who started lining up at 4pm, so he was right. in. front. of. Bill. LoL.

I was upstairs, towards the right from Bill's perspective...on the bleachers.

■ abc7news.com: Bill Clinton campaigns at UC Davis

06 January 2008

I am sickened.

05 January 2008

House of Rep Resolution 888--One Step Closer to the Edge (to Theocracy in the U.S.)

H. RES. 888
Affirming the rich spiritual and religious history of our Nation's founding and subsequent history and expressing support for designation of the first week in May as `American Religious History Week' for the appreciation of and education on America's history of religious faith.

1st| 1st week of May? Reminds me of China's Golden Week holiday they just got rid of...

2nd| Note: referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

3rd| Urgh. The amount of "picking bones from a chicken egg" is ridiculous. Supposedly there are also historical errors, but I do not know enough to make that judgment. But the word manipulation is...urgh.

4th| "...2) recognizes that the religious foundations of faith on which America was built are critical underpinnings of our Nation's most valuable institutions and form the inseparable foundation for America's representative processes, legal systems, and societal structures..." Um, what? Without the believe in a Christian God there would not have been government processes, systems, and SOCIETAL STRUCTURES?!? (headdesk)

5th| So...we are to recognize and celebrate Christianity as the dominant belief of lawmakers and country leaders in the United states, and thereby making it an important point of recognition, a tradition,...a permanence?

6th| I have no issues with people's religious faith in Christianity nor America's background in it. It's even fine that a Christian leader refers to his [Christian] god in speech (its existence in the American parole is common enough, even among non-believers). Their speeches and choice in diction represents their backgroundBut writing and proposals like this one just makes Christians look like lunatics in the Middle East.

7th| It's not as egocentric as HRES 847, but that makes HRES 888 scarier. (Good thing someone thought to cross out what they did on HRES 847, though, LoL, because that bit makes them sound like fanatics.

8th| Regarding the (Christian) Religion being an important aspect of historical figures: Yes, they were very religious, but they did have a conscious separation between religion and government. Well, back then it was concern over power of the church taking over power of government. But today? As the resolution points out, it's not made separate (and therefore deserves recognition). The power of the church has become covert and is asserting conscious force to move the government in one direction, which is different from the beliefs of leaders back then influencing how certain oaths were done.

9th| WTF

10th| What is the christian faith teaching these guys that are making them so intolerant, so egocentristic, so...much like a bully?

03 January 2008

It's raining inside, too.

To be completely, absolutely, positively, and whateverelsely truthful, I don't hate going to school, going to classes. What I hate is being apart from my parents and having to fend for myself, alone.

Knowing that I am capable makes matters worse. Because then I can't be as selfish as I would like to.

Finally finished my craptastic yuletart gift. It turned into a crappy, unfinished doujin even after 4 nights plus one all-nighter to finish. And people wonder why I think I can't draw.

01 January 2008

Driving ~ワクワク~

...First day of the year, first time driving this whole winter break. There was just too much junk going on.


Today also marks the first painless driving session. (A good start for the new year?!)
New stuff: 3 point turn, parallel parking (with no cars), driving home from DMV. (Complimented on! whoot!)

Gah, now I gotta really finish the yuletart gift. I think I went overboard. -___-;;