20 January 2009

Incoherent bits on the Obama inauguration

The CNN video refuses to embed D:

Watching the parade live: Michelle Obama is so cute, all smiley and peppy and dance-y to Signed Sealed Delievered even after so long. And CNN was trying to prod the CNN Live/Facebook users to comment more by highlighting them.

I was completely distracted for a good while by the photographs of Rahm Emanuel being caught making silly faces this morning.

Barack, Michelle, Joey B were bored bored bored, then the Chinese dragons and lions came out and woke them up for the next band :]

Wow. 1,200 VMI? I like their marching music.

OOH, NASA!Craft is last! Wait, where's the astronaut with the flag going?! Oh, Right, I guess the craft's not going the whole 1.7 miles.

I like how Obama and Biden's always Red and Blue. Not the first time they planned it. It's also not just me who thinks this presidency has very pretty and entertaining people in it. It's better than the actual entertainment world!

I really want an .mp3 rip of this video. The ones I've been finding/hearing is missing the beginning piano bits.

1 comment:

  1. We really should chat more. I miss you. =(

    Anyway! I've got a direct mp3 rip from that video. =D


    I uploaded it for you. It's a direct rip, so it has the little announcement at the beginning/clapping at the end, but I'm sure you can cut that out if you wanted to.

    *poke* So it seems school is going well. '.~ Maybe not. Ahaha, we should catch up some time.
