22 June 2010

The spot we went to, Mesa Arch, is not meant to be a snapshot spot. Chinese tourists are fucking irritating too. Seriously, I'm really hating the people in this tour. Uncivilized--or too civilized--mongrels with no respect for people and nature.
On the bus bright and early. I've decided that I've had enough of that kid who takes to too much space--I'm going to try to get an unassigned seat in the back from now on. It's not like parents care. I've also quickly decided that I don't like the twentysomethings now in front of me.

21 June 2010

Went to see Delicate Arch! Went 1.5mi uphill with an elevation change of 480ft--body will give me hell tonight, but so worth it. Would have loved to see sunset there too...maybe next time. I've got salt crystals on me from my cooling system, lol. Probably the only place with enough time because there are plenty of others with worse physiques. Most of the kids went up first (I was leading most of the time, Haha), and dad's in worse shape than he thought--was even making 'evaluations' of others' abilities before the trek uphill. Apparently, someone thought I just graduated from high school. Good to know that I look somewhere between 16 to 18 to others. Or maybe I just act too juvenille to be college graduate. It's nice. Hope it keeps up forever. The area around the arches is freeing, beautiful, grandiose, hella windy, and so alive. Unlike earlier, at Park Avenue, where we got only 20minutes and definately not enough time to satisfy my deep compulsion to wall down the trail, down through the valley, and between the gates. The Chinese buffet for dinner today wasn't half bad. Better than anything expected in Utah. Delicious watermelon and beef belly/daikon potroast. Also, it's been too long since we got proper amount of vegetables.

Waking at 04:00 tomorrow to see sunrise over another arch. Wish me luck. Really can't sleep late tonight. Ooh, the motel says they have got breakfast. Does it mean they will have SAUSAGES tomorrow?!
There's no network up on Mesa Verde. Went to Spruce Tree House, a Pueblo housing community. Will have to detail it later. Our guide wasn't clear enough and caused the mother and (high functioning autistic) daughter to get lost. Mesa Verde is, as the name implies, green. Low shrubs and medium sized trees, growing on white sandstones that can be oxidized rusty red by fires. Blocky, layered sandstones forms the straight cliffs and giant steps that the greenery liberally decorates. Sometimes the sharp cliffs poke out from the otherwise smooth looking hills like exposed supports poking out of an extensive moss lawn. I can sort of understand why the Pueblo people chose to build dwellings as they did.
Man, I got too excited about the breakfast this morning--set alarm to wake up early, only to find that they don't have sausages. Or hash browns. At least they have eggs, I guess. There wasn't much time even with my ten minute headstart... Portugal vs N.Korea this morning, ending in 7:0. Guess N.Koreans won't get to watch FIFA after all. Didn't have internet in the room and was too lazy to go outside last night, so yesterday's bits will have to wait.
This is not a vacation. It's a 'run-through' of what could be a fun and leisurely vacation. Doesn't help that mother tends to do whatever she wants, father follows, so I end up feeling alone and a little neglected. Father especially stops listening and interrupts almost constantly when mother's around. I do nothing right anymore; nothing mentioned is acceptable, and everything else is not given attention or response. This is too tiring and stressful. Do they not see that i'm not sole perpetrator of the strain and that behavioural conditioning does not work when I'm not rewarded and convinced that they just don't care? This trip is not being fun. I'm sight seeing, but there's no appreciation of it.

20 June 2010

That damned raven was mocking me! Only doing its panting thing after I got on the bus. I missed a really good photo-op of it staying still in the air less than 10 feet from of too...couldn't find it in the screen...;__;

19 June 2010

Stop5: dinner: first time at Panda Express--it's really mediocre. Father didn't want to walk a couple of blocks for burgers again, even if it's In-n-Out. Went to Walmart for breakfast tomorrow since it's not included--Strawberries, slightly raw bananas, and V8. At least there's free internet. Back in hotel room now. Will be departing at 7am tomorrow for more bus ride to Sedona, AZ
Stop2: our bus of 45 plus another greyhound stopped at Burger King for lunch. We get 35min. There's a section reserved for bus drivers. Whoever put up the promotion poster for their Twilight event obviously didn't like the series much--the overlay is flipped backwards. This is our second break since our last pickup stop in Fremont. Most of the tour is composed of old Taiwanese people, average around 55 maybe. Mother and I each stole a crown.
After stopping at three more stops since San Mateo for other tour people, we've departed for Needles, AZ, for our first night's stay. Tour guide KHsu currently telling us not to use bus toilet ('steaming cake') unless necessary to keep bus from stinking 'like cake' (with accompanying obligatory horror stories). I'm surprised I could understand Mandarin as well as I did without close captioning. The gramps behind me repeats everything KHsu says.

17 June 2010

...is having multiple personal crisis stemmed from the graduation party, wtf.

12 June 2010

This is pin a lie.

Tired. So tired. And I'm not even done yet.

All I have to show for only sleeping 2.5 hours the day before recieving my undeserved alumni pin is a self-decorated tassel, because I couldn't be bothered to order the shiny symbol of ΨΧ.

I probably should see what can be moved back so junk doesn't clutter the world next six months.

11 June 2010

It's done, but not quite.

It's strange to go through the motions of completion, yet..somehow there's really little to show for it. Besides, I'm not even quite done.

Oh well, at least this part is finished.