23 July 2011

Progress part VI: Downhill once again.

19 July 2011

Very visible bumps/liquid pockes under the skin on the palm side of right middle finger, pad below right ring finger, and middle of palms. Some swelling on the back side of right webbing, left little finger, and back side below left little and ring fingers. Rougher skin here. Also splochy redness/swelling on inside and medial side of left wrist and around the ball of the left thumb. This last area was acting up the night prior around 3am but went away the next day. Some new splotches in new areas on the inner arm near the elbow.

Started soaking in Dead Sea salt during the day as I should've been.

20 July 2011

Mostly unchanged. Affected areas on the right hand, palm side, might have gotten slightly more blistery, but don't seem to have spread. Skin on left little and ring finger have gotten rougher and have started getting cracks. More small, under-skin blisters on the palm side of the left ring finger. A small patch appeared on the medial side of last left thumb knuckle. Wrist patches remains unchanged. Feeling some bumps under the skin on right palm side ring finger, middle segment.

Slept incredibly well though. Had some trouble falling asleep last night—probably wasn't able to sleep until 2 or so—and achieved uninterrupted sleep until 9, at which point I woke briefly feeling fairly well-rested but wasn't able to get up until 11 (before alarms). This is about an hour or two earlier than usual, though I mostly out of bed because I was feeling aches from not moving for too long. I wonder how much of this is due to the drugs (though it's not supposed to be effective past 6 hours?).

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