04 August 2011


They are healing up quite nicely. I have been going out and eating out quite often in the last several days (Saturday, Monday, Tuesday), and other than a little bit of rotting on the R middle finger, palm side, things have gotten much better. My hands and arms are much less unusually red, the affected skin are becoming less dry and obviously abnormal, the middle knuckle cracks are healing, and R backside webbing is slowly getting thinner.

Not being constantly uncomfortable in my own skin is oh so very nice.

Still taking nightly Benadryl (2) and one during dinner if I'm out, though. Might try reducing the nightly intake by 1 in a few days, since I don't really need it anymore. It seems that the side effect of drowsiness is fairly common in most people. Why can't I be one of those individuals?

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