18 October 2003

Alright. It's uploaded and stuff, but WHY WOULDN'T BLOGGER ACCEPT THE CODES AND JUST APPEAR ON THE THING ALREADY?! maybe I just need to publish it...here we go...

quote/music later =D

16 October 2003

whoo. the new layout is 'done' and just needed to be uploaded. Now only the step to figure out what that blotchy thing on the right of the blog is and to upload using FTP. Ok, so maybe that's two steps, but it doesn't matter, it's probably not going to be touched until Saturday afternoon when I'm done with the PSAT stuff anyways.

The kitten, in 5 days, learned to drink from a dish, learned to eat solid food, learned to play with toilet paper, learned to play with imaginary target, learned to play with us, learned to jump up to our living room couch, learned to jump down to our living room couch, claimed our living room couch, discovered that the place between our neck and collar bone is the best place to take a two-hour nap, and to run/hop around the house quickly like a rabbit [a cabbit, it is!]. I think that's quite a lot, don't you?

AHH! I forgot to put a TagBoard in my blog! AHH! must go do that now....

' Faye: What's with all of you? Why are you hiding behind the couch?
Ed: Bact-teria~!' : Cowboy Bebop the Movie ::i think... Ed & Ein is so cute =^o^=
� Yasahi Yoake - See-Saw//.hack//SIGN :: ending �

12 October 2003

I knew this would happen. Stopping in the middle of a project of some sorts and I'll never start on it again. I didn't work on the layout all day. First went to half-moon bay to buy a 20lb king salmon, then got a phone, then went to the library.

An ugly spider just dropped down from the ceiling on to a piece of paper about 20cm from my arm with a sharp plop. Traumatized.

Everything extra needs money. Darn it. Including those bloody format-converting programs. GDI. Anyone, by this point, can pretty much tell that either I am really mad, I need sleep, or I need money. The answer is the last two.

OK. Tomorrow I plan to finish my blog, do my homework, and post the bloody 'self-intro' for the SRI thing. I will add a wishlist to my blog, not that anyone would buy me those things, but that's my way of telling people that I need money. The two newest things would be a USB cable for my cell, and some cash so I can buy that bloody converting program.

'Kurikara is my Shikigami!' - Hisoka Kurosaki : Yami no Matsuei
� Futari no Kamui, Futatsu no Shinken -//X/1999 : TV X/1999 OST �

11 October 2003

Whew! Finally done with the coding! But I still have to put the contents in, upload, perhaps make it a blogger blog, etc etc. The layout is actually a relatively simple one...but it too one so long because it's the first time I've used DIV tags, along with some new stuff, and this is only my 2nd layout that I sucessfully coded and will be put online. Yup, lacking exprience. [conisidering i can't even remember the link tags...it's sad] I'm tired, gotta wake up early to buy fish tomorrow, and I really wanna sleep. My abs & one of the chest muscles are sore from weight training yesterday...my arms will probably be sore tomrrow...=oO;;=

'What siding with the humans? Right from when I was born, I've always been only on my own side' - Genjou Sanzo : Saiyuki
� Reprise - Joe Hisaishi//Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi : Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi OST :: Spirited Away, Joe is the composer, i think �

10 October 2003

OkiE. The Layout iS Finished. I only have to code it. Which...I am kind of looking forward to, and kind of not. Which...I might finish today or not. I am hoping I'll finish, but it might not happen at all. whO__Ot it looks pwetty.

more later.

� I'll be the One - HAL//Hikaru no Go : Hikaru no Go - Best Of �

05 October 2003

Whew, finally round 1 of USAMTS is finished! Though I finally didn't answer one of the questions...can't blame me, considering I only had 2 weeks instead of 4. Yesterday was no-work for the whole day. Mailed the answers, then it's web and manga and games. FUN. No, i didn't work on the layout at all finish the layout, but I did get myself hooked on some fan-made RPG games. The searching-and-downloading of the programs needed to play the games took me half a day alone, considering many sites that had the downloads were shutted down. Next were the problematic installation...yes, that's the reason I slept @ 2am.

I got the games from Cursed Moons, a doujin and original site with webmistresses who draws & colors beautifully and...support shounen-ai. XD Yami no Romance was easy, because 3 of the 5 endings had guides written on their site, and one of the remainding endings was just plain obvious [the Muraki one!]. BUT I CAN'T GET TO THE HIJIRI ENDING!!

Then Wan Wan 1-ko is...extremely difficult. But you're hearing this from a games-defficient girl, so maybe it's not that hard. Maybe it's the problematic controls. Last, Love Impact, is the one that I'm tempted to play right now but I should do homework instead. It's really precise and I haven't been able to get to any endings except 'GAME OVER'...There's a guide for one of the endings, but it's not complete to the end, and even though it allows you to save, it's really time consuming. It's so cute though. Hail Akane's & Inma's drawing skills! [BTW, they're trilingual in Spanish, Japanese, and English]

I forgot if I have English homework or not. oh well.

OOOH, I'm beginning to like L'arc en Ciel music =)

'We all love penguins; penguins are the best.' - Trujillo, C. : Sophmore History 6�:: it's after Mr. Light kept on saying we need penguins for a Global Organization.
� In the End - Linkin Park :: +gasp+ it's an English song! �