23 May 2007

Fanlib.com and issues around legality of fanfiction, etc.

■ Transforming Fan Culture into User-Generated Content: The Case of FanLib
Henry Jenkins analyzes Fanlib.com and the impact of profit-driven websites that advertises fandom works.

I was linked to this through Pir8fancier's post regarding the cooperative overtake of fandom and while I think she is being a little paranoid and sensitive about its affect on the slash fandom, her fears or nor completely unfounded.


Well, plenty of people can make a point much better than I, considering I did not even know of this until now. However, I do see Fanlib as a threat to the current fandom environment because of exactly what they see their goal as: "...[to] create a platform that will harness the energy in a way that can be controlled and moderated by the creators and distributors of that existing property."

I feel that not only are their websites (prototypes and betas and their main site, Fanlib.com are below par, and its page design seem to suspiciously cater towards young teens or children (while extending the legal limits to other audiences). Even without the comments and issues surrounding Fanlib, I feel immediate dislike towards the site. It reminds me of young teen websites.

The Fanlib ads are pretty repulsive, especially to a predominantly female population. The more I read into this Fanlib thing, the more I grow to dislike them, and the more it seems like they are just trying to take advantage of the creative process as a whole. As a reader, I revere the author's creativity and sometimes love the world they create more than the original. The thought of this freedom being harnessed and controlled, culled of all things "not normal" and "obscene" frightens me. I adore the fandom because of the potential it gives the universe (of the original story), because the twists and new things that develop from one common stem.


I will be watching LJ community Life Without Fanlib and Henry Jenkin's weblog to see how things proceed. And also, still reading on links and sources.

cross-posted to LJ

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