26 May 2008

TW, DW related FLAIL.

Three in the morning is really a bad time (or the best time) to go completely squee at the Doctor Who season 4 mid-season trailer and John Barrowman's interview, in which he talks about Scott and Torchwood season 3.

Rose looks completely kick-ass (pardon the lack of better vocabulary) and...squee, can't wait!

Stephen Moffat taking over RTD as Doctor Who's executive producer is also not disappointing. Moffat's series plotting skills have yet to be seen, but he wrote some of the very best episodes, so no complain there.

AND WHERE CAN I FIND THE READY STEADY COOK EPISODE WITH BARROWMAN?? (immediately gets distracted by David Tennant cooking)

[insert major flailing here]

(post cross-flailed)

21 May 2008


It seems I had forgotten the wonderful wonders of CAFFEINE. COFFEE.

But it's been rediscovered. And now I'm running on no dinner and two cups of (barely passable instant) coffee and will be looking towards a third. Now I know the secret to O-Chem motivation: get high on caffeine. It's actually interesting and fun given that I'm awake and slightest bit giddy.

About time to pop another Ibuprofen, too, it seems. Can feel it in the lower abdomen (uterus) and lower back already...This stuff's punctuality is to be admired. Every six hours, on the dot, number of recommended tablets notwithstanding.

I know I have a third bag of instant somewhere around here. If not, I'll just beg Kitsu for her grounded ones.

11 May 2008

Blogs, blogs, blogs

I have been dusting off my web-coding hat all afternoon-evening. The Livejournal/Deadjournal/Insanejournal/JournalFen/commiejournal system finally made enough sense for some starter customization—I will definitely churn out at least one LJcode-based layout by the end of summer. I've finally chanced upon JF opening their accounts after about a year of periodical lurking, and have discovered Commiejournal on the way—so far it has the best free account offer: 100 userpics as well as S1 style creation (S2 style creation seems to be a paid feature across the board with varying degrees of freedom for S1).

I'm learning so damn much looking at LJ: smallwaldo's source code. And the most wonderful thing? Its code is actually very neat and organized unlike some of the disgraces I've seen. Maybe that's my lack of expertise speaking.

Blogger, despite being vastly different, remains my favourite. I will not abandon you, love, never ♥ Wordpress is definitely pretty though; I will look into its coding once I settle the others.

I was fiddling with this blog's template and itched to click the "randomize blog colors" link, and after a couple of clicks and some minor adjusting, this new color scheme is the result. I still cannot figure where the code for the top (now dark gray) bar is. This requires moar research.

Ah, so yes, I've rediscovered the passion that is website coding.

10 May 2008

Doctor Who 4.04, 4.05, and 4.06

4.04 & 4.05 have their brilliant moments, including the Return of the Valiant, the UNIT caps, Ross Jenkins(♥!), Gramps (as always), the last Martha/Martha bit, and the cyberconversion unit, redecorated by the Sontarans with bits of blue light, in no particular order.

4.06 is rather cute. The death bit and the death and Martha bit were unconvincing and skimpy to say the least, but the rest was cute. Jenny was cute ♥ Donna is still absolutely wonderful and lovely. Go forth and wow those geniuses with your wonderful menial office worker knowledge! Oh, and I just had a horrific thought of dubbing Jenny as the Nurse (cringes).

I will really really miss Tennant when he leaves Doctor Who.

Life Upgrades

To much of the general population's (pop.: 1) disappointment, there is an absolute lack of upgrades on this life at this moment. Still jobless, work-less, hopeless (at oChem), and feeling semi worthless. All in a day's work.

Summer classes have been set: Intro to Psychobiology and Neurobiology for Summer Session I and nothing for SSII. I shall look into ceramics, crafts, traveling, LABWRK (!!!!!), and etc for said latter half of summer.

In entertainment news: after my period with classical music, first with Beethoven/William Kempf then with George Winston, I began to devote much time to Barrowman (the lack of shame and all), which now lead to flirting with Cole Porter, swing, musicals. Oh, and I'm being rapidly charmed by Kevin Kline.

And I hold firm in my opinions regarding Barrowman—he is great for the entertainment factor (because he is reasonably skilled and has no shame) but still looks funny. I think it's his mouth and chin.

In other entertainment news: Elijah Wood and the return of David Tennant on The Friday Night Project. Watching FNP on the internet means there are no commercials, but more often than not I find myself taking more than designated commercial breaks all the same. They tend to get rather overwhelming. The Elijah Wood epidsode has been pretty good so far, but not nearing the humor of the Tennant ones. Probably because Wood still gives off an air of...greenness. Neither shameless (JB) nor wittily dignified(?) (DT) enough to make the show show interesting. I'm so horrible.