21 May 2008


It seems I had forgotten the wonderful wonders of CAFFEINE. COFFEE.

But it's been rediscovered. And now I'm running on no dinner and two cups of (barely passable instant) coffee and will be looking towards a third. Now I know the secret to O-Chem motivation: get high on caffeine. It's actually interesting and fun given that I'm awake and slightest bit giddy.

About time to pop another Ibuprofen, too, it seems. Can feel it in the lower abdomen (uterus) and lower back already...This stuff's punctuality is to be admired. Every six hours, on the dot, number of recommended tablets notwithstanding.

I know I have a third bag of instant somewhere around here. If not, I'll just beg Kitsu for her grounded ones.


  1. You know, if you like coffee that much, I think I can grab a bag of kona coffee for you while I'm in Hawaii. =)

  2. You called me Kitsu!! ♥w♥

    (It's almost 5am. I should not have made so much coffee. I'm all jittery but not in a productive/good way. .n.)

  3. Also, you definitely do not have to beg. Just go right on. As long as you don't do what M does and just takes and takes as if it's a complete free-for-all and doesn't say anything, it's fine. I don't mind and probably won't until I am SOMEHOW running out of coffee.
