11 September 2003

I almost fell asleep during 6�History...We're doing review for unit test tomorrow, the room was dark, the AC wasn't working..I fought to stay awake... but ROBOTICS WAS FUN. not really the 'winning' that was fun, but rather the thinking, and the building part that's fun. Of course, the fact that the thing works is an addition too the fun factor. That sounded like sims.

i want that 'I failed today' sticker =)

i should really get studying...

e d i t / 8:39pm : wow. never realized Jordan Neri of 10th grade is actually Jordan Neri Jr, considering his dad, Mr. Neri of Physics, has the same name as him. =)

'If there's anywhere I would return to, it would be back to your side.' - Hisoka Kurosaki : Yami no Matsuei :: XD
� Yo Te Amo - Chayanne : Meteor Garden II OST :: Spanish [wow], and it's NOT a MGII original �

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