19 September 2003

i just finished Princess in Love by Meg Cabot. it's so cute. the interesting thing is that i can actually relate to her a bit. haha, the bit of the 'Secret Snowflake Revelation' was funny.

OKAY. here's the part that i got permission from a friend of mine to 'publish', since my friend says i can put it on my public blog as long as her name is not mentioned. so...let's call my friend...Artemis...or Arte. [just because i am/was/going to read Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer...he has such a cool name...]

It seems very unreal and unbelievable, like something people'd see in a shoujo manga, or movies, or teen romance novels [picked that up from Tina from The Princess Diaries]. After Archery, when we were finishing up on carrying the stuff back to the store room, the ta poked me and handed me a folded note, taped with clear tape with 'For Arte' neatly written neatly on the small, thick piece of paper in all caps. for a background note, the ta wasn't there until 2 days ago and none of us know who he is. not me, not Arte. i was returning the bow, quiver, arrows, and our score board, and when i was about to leave, he poked me. didn't even say a thing. i looked at it and said, 'oh. okay.' Arte was carrying the target up w/ another friend then. I carried the big, straw-stuffed thing up the rest of the way and i gave her the note. she opened, then gasp and started and...well...suprised. the note said:
Meet me at center court
at lunch if you're interested
[I'm interested]


By the way, i changed the ta's name too...Lars from Princess Diaries...should've used Michael, LoL. Nonetheless, the twins were very excited. me? i was suprised, certainly, but was also telling Arte that it's ok, that he'd know her name by how the twins screamed 'Go Arte' every time she shoots, on target or not. Arte was trying to convince herself that whoever Lars is mistook her for me [ha! as if!]. Although we weren't sure if the ta's name is Lars, we're pretty sure. our freshmen P.E. teacher helped us ask for our teacher's ta's name and found out it IS him.

well, i wasn't 'happy, because i sort of felt for her. especially later when i see Lars following Arte everywhere. it was scary like a stalker, in a way. b't 5th period and 6th period i went to find Arte because she left her spanish book in the japanese room, and there he is, following Arte. she knows, but it's freaky to see, since he already followed her from where we eat lunch to japanese class..[gasp. to go club, but the meeting's ending XD] After school Arte told me she got another note from him of his phone number and AIM screen name.

i'm not sure if he's a junior or senior, but pretty sure he's not a sophmore and definately not a freshmen. It'd be funny, in a way [gasp, like Holden in Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger], if he's a senior. that'd be the 2nd case in 1 month. first would be me. i'll say something about that later. i'd wonder if the seniors are getting desprate for a prom date. LoL.

thanks to Arte for letting me post this on my blog!

'Why can't you be here with me, Tsuzuki?' - Hisoka : Yami no Matsuei :: when hisoka was stranded in a desert... scary how i know these quotes by heart.
� Silent Life & Obsession TV mix - .hack//SIGN : .hack//SIGN OST 1 �

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