11 September 2003

Waaaai! Yes, another entry about robotics. That's pretty much all that has been exciting other than endless homework. I still have hw, consider i only got home @ 6:30 and am eating. The teachers are all heartless...sorta. Anyways, very interesting robotics today. We first checked 'homework'�0 questions regarding chemistry, physic, history, technology, etc. It's hard...I only got 9/50 right without cheating and 38/50 cheating. bwaaa. Then we did the safety test...there were trick questions =T T;;;= Then lecture, then the design and build project [yay]!

we had to make something that would transport a ping-pong ball to a cup in the center of a 6ft diameter circle. We can't go in the circle[any part of out bodies either], cannot touch the ppball directly, all members [3 people] have to physically participate at all times, and can only use a certain amount of tape[5cm], paper clip[1], string[20cm?], paper[A4], and 4 rubber bands. No scissors. We have to design and build within 35minutes, and gets 2 rounds at trying. Whoever that fails gets a smiley face sticker that says 'I failed today'. I want that sticker...i mean, our group did fail once...

Most people just punctured 3 holes on the cup, got strings through it, and dropped the cup and ppb in the bigger cup. we tried using paper to build a 'bridge' to the cup and slide the ppb in the cup, but failed once. [NOTE: WE HAD A STRING ATTACHED TO THE PPB JUST IN CASE IT FALLS!!] then we tried again, it fell out, but Liz caught it by the string and saved it. we finally had to use the 'bridge' as a stick to guilde the string which the ball is attached to into the cup. we got lots of applause =) i still want the sticker.


'You are a blob. You have no individuality.' - B. Faustine : Aragon High School
� Bird - Shuichi Shindo//Tomokazu Seki : Gravitation Sound Story II �

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