26 January 2004

'I love first because of the late nights, the unparralleled stress, the excitement, the emotion. Because of the close defeats, the close victories. Because of the pride, the sense of accomplishment, the feeling of embettering the world. But most of all, because of you, the other teams. - Replic

'Our robot attacked our programmer autonomously' - saddrag

20 January 2004

I've been saying I'll move my blog, but apprently my web hosting support hasn't even given me a ticket to my question about where is Perl on the server yet, so I guess it's not happening anytime soon, and that means that no one will read my blog anytime soon, either.

Robotics is tiring. It didn't seem so bad during the long weekend because of the looser schedule, but staying at school from 8 to 8 is really too much. All the while spending most of my meeting time [3:15-8:00] in front of a 'traditional' projective-styled monitor. I have a flat panel [and just for those who don't know, it's similar to the screen of a notebook/laptop], so staring at the screen for 4.5 hours is nowhere as tiring as staring at the ones in school. I have to remember to set the screen to 1024x768 at school. The 1280x1024 that Yang had set has the tiniest font that is close to unreadable, not to mention destroying my already getting worse eyes. They're not perfect anymore =(

Oh, I'm in the programming/electronics sub-team [which has basically splitted into electronics (Chris Garris) and programming anyways], so I have to learn the complicated C. pBasic [the language used last year] was very simple, but C is...confusing. Very confusing. In some aspects anyways. Anyhow, this evening Mr.Cole [mentor], Mr. Leibs [parent], and Mr. Garris [parent] pretty much spent most of the time trying to figure out the beacon code and circuit, and discussing about their possible solutions that is uncomprehensible to most of us team members [Garris probably understood a lot more than me; his dad IS an expert on C...]. Anyways, in the end, the only one left listening to them discuss was me and Garris, and Garris is mainly working on the electronics, Cole said I'd be doing some simpler C coding tomorrow.

As Garris had predictied would not fail to happen again, many people left after they ate [around 6:30, those food-oriented dorks! +koffchrisleekofflearwangkoff+], and especially the chasis team? almost the whole team left. hmmm...I find it scary that Mr. Garris' first name is Larry [ooooh, same first name as Kat's dad, and in somewhat the same jobs], and calls Garris 'Christopher' [like 'Katherine']. Anyways, just something I find interesting...

Yes, I decided that it'd be more interesting to ramble about my tiring life in school rather than do my pre-calc homework�not that I dislike math or anything...I did finish my other homework =D

But seriously, I need to take my classes more seriously, and actually study. I think I'm getting 2 B's for the 1st semester, and that is bad for me =^^;;=


NoTe To SeLF: SToRyBoaRD, LayouT FoR WeBSiTe,
---->buy: Great Expectations & Graph paper!!

'It does it automagically.' - David Kelly : chiefdelphi.com
� I'll Be the One - HAL//Hikaru no Go : Hikaru no Go - Best of : I'll Be the One single :: one of my favorites...I really like HikaGo songs and lyrics. �

18 January 2004

I'll give a more detailed account later if I feel like so, but today I went to Chinatown, carried 8 sticks around all day [bloody! I left them in the car! They cost $12!], saw a tree with more shoes than leaves on it, a guy that, we suspect, pooped on the street and was about to wipe his butt [he definitely didn't have any pants on...], went to Metreon, bought PS2, mem card, and DDR Max, got my Enduring Vision [AP Hist textbook] from Idaho, and watched 8 Mile [I didn't watch it, but saw some parts] & Vanilla Sky. It's 12:54am currently, and I'm tired. I woke at 9 yesterday morning; can't blame me.

Vanilla Sky was nice; I liked it, plot/theme-wise =)

Also, I've decided on the website layout, and I do believe I will move my blog as soon as I figure out Graymatter.

'No. Your Go is what you are and nothing else matters. ' - Touya Akira : Hikaru no Go :: Scary that I got that from the top of my head. No, not literally.
� Hitomi no Chikara - Mizuki Arisa//Hikaru no Go : Hikaru no Go - Best of :: I love this song =) �

17 January 2004

I'm trying to figure out how to use Graymatter, and switch out of Blogger. Just because the Blogger & Prohosting FTPs work somewhat differently [passive & active]. I'm going to have to copy and paste all my previous entries soon +winces+
Just finished redoing my desktop and such. Satisfaction: 95%. And yes, it is a HikaGo wallpaper. XD The Winamp skin is D.N.Angel...so I'm not so obsessed as I thought I am? I'll upload the new wallpaper later.

16 January 2004

I swear. I'm not Sai-Obsessive. Maybe I am HIKARU NO GO/AKIRA-obsessive, but...well, I guess no one would believe that since I picked mostly SAI illustrations for a layout... =^^;;=

'Will you stop with the grumpy face ? You don't pay, you don't lose, you don't get dry and you're still not satisfied ?' - Kawai : The Fun of Playing Go//Hikaru no Go fanfitcion by vkempf
� Teddy Bear - Ayumi Hamasaki : Duty :: sad lyrics. 'long long ago, as you combed my hair, you said you'd give me something wonderful...and when I woke up there was a huge teddy bear, in the spot where you should've been.' �
'Were they afraid that Touya or Shindo will bite them or something? Shindo, maybe, but Touya?' - Waya Yoshitaka : Camouflage//Hikaru no Go fanfitcion by Naisho

'I don't think I would know love if it wore a name badge and hit me with a mallet.' - Touya 'kira* : Wouldn't Know Love//Hikaru no Go fanfitcion by Kleptomaniac Can Opener

* I put 'kira instead of Akira because that's what Hikaru calls Akira in this story. OoOH, I should've done the same with the others...ohwell. [like 'Aki' ]
Went to robotics 08:45-17:00. I used a drill. [VROOOM!]

I changed the following Fanfic quote a bit to make it more brief and to change some tones, but the idea is the same and because of the changing, I will credit her also with a link. And anyone who understands this had most likely read Hikaru no Go. By the way, so far all my fanfics I've found are from FanFiction.net

Touya Kouyo: Congratulations! You're playing my old title!
Touya Akira: ...Which one?
- Father & Son : The Road Not Taken//Hikaru no Go fanfiction by Princess-Anime

' "Yes... I remember... You said that you wouldn't marry someone who loved Go more than you... I had to burn my favorite goban before your very eyes just to prove you wrong..." Not that he had actually burned it of course. What he had burned was a cheap goban that he had bought in his desperation. But Touya-san[Kouyo's wife] wouldn't have to know that any time soon...' - Kouyo & Narration : : The Road Not Taken//Hikaru no Go fanfiction by Princess-Anime

15 January 2004

YAY! I found the perfect picture for my website layout! It matches so well with my blog one too...+purrs+ But the down side is, it's sai again. =P But I swear I'm not much of a Sai fan than a Akira fan XD
EA was great. I was a bit about ditching Robotics to go, but I'm glad I took a chance although I'm not supposedly be on the list. American McGee's Alice is great. A bit creepy, true, but intriguing. I was playing it in the Games Room in EA Headquarters 'Mission Impossible', Located in Foster City, CA, for over an hour, I believe, and it was fun. I also played Silent Hill 3 with Amy...IT IS SUCH A CREEPY AND SCARY GAME! But it's also...intriguing =D Scary, but I still want to play. =oO;;=

I did go to robotics afterwards, but didn't do much.

Uh, I'll post pictures I took inside the EA 'Mission Impossible'...soon. No pictures of 'Mission Control' though; there weren't much to see.

Mission Control is the building in which all the executives are; the managers [I think], etc.
Mission Impossible is the building in which games develop. Called so because 'of the people inside' [from MC personal] or because 'of what they do' [from MI personal], you decide.

The quote is from a sign placed in front of a labyrinth made of short grass in the EA campus. I thought it's a great quote that applies to many things =)

'I hope you enjoy this labyrinth. Just like everything in life, the walls are only in your mind.' - EA HQ labyrinth
� Get Over [special Mix] - dream//Hikaru no Go : Hikaru no Go - Best of :: the last 10 minutes of the last episode of Hikaru no Go [ep 75] �

12 January 2004

' I don't know. Find a chibi-Shindou somewhere, attach it to Touya and hope that Shindou gets jealous?' - Isumi Shinichiro//Hikaru no Go Fanfic : Blind Descent Part 4 * A Push in the Right Direction

11 January 2004

ROFL. I love fanfics. It inspires me to write one too =* *= But of course, I'm a horrible writer, so....

Being extremely fangirl-ish. [ f a n g i r l m o d e : O N ] KYA~!

' I actually got along better with Ogata, though I sometimes had horrifying visions that I would turn into him in twenty years. I was not looking forward to living a Go-obsessed life with fish as my only company. But I could see it happening. ' - Touya Akira//Hikaru no Go Fanfic : Lessons in how to make a Bishounen snap Part 4 * Another Suitor, Sex Ed and the War on the Home Front [ROFL!~ fish as company...rofl...+dies laughing+]
� Days - Hikaru no Go : Hikaru no Go - Best of :: 4th or 5th ending, don't remember, and don't know singer =oO;;= �
Yes, yes, I'm supposedly to be studying either for English or Physics finals, but I came to post and state that I'm really too obsessed at fanfictions and those fanfic writers are hillarious. Maybe I should try too...that reminds me: Layout, storyboard, robotics T-shirt design, robotics idea, and yeayea, study.

' "Don't worry, it really is dead,"Hikaru calmly stated in response to Akira poking his burger.
"I swear, it blinked at me." ' - Shindo Hikaru & Touya Akira : I Love you in Pink//Hikaru no Go fanfiction by Suffering Angel

� I'll be the one - HAL//Hikaru no Go : 2nd opening song �

10 January 2004

Bloody. I did an entry but somehow i pressed 'back' and now it's gone. Oh well. basically about how the finals is and the FIRST kickoff.

note to self: make layout, create story board, study.

'I'm not just any pervert; I'm a SUPER PERVERT!' - Jiraiya AKA Frog/Perverted Hermit AKA Open Pervert: Naruto
� Kanashimi wo yasashi sa ni - Little By Little//Naruto :: 3rd Opening �