17 April 2006

Pattern Recognition - what.

Pattern Recognition - what.: "I hate Snape, Lucius and Voldemort; I don't think either of them is 'cool' in any way whatsoever. Snape is a greasy, unpleasant man with a ten-year-old boy's grudge and questionable loyalties; he makes Harry's life miserable and while I was willing to cut him some slack before HBP, I'm not anymore. Lucius appears to have raised a child who, albeit spoiled and bratty, possesses a functioning conscience, but other than that I have no use for Lucius; I think he's a toadying slimeball. And while I sympathise with poor Volders for apparently having been born irredeemably evil (*eyeroll*), he is a murderer and a psychopath not in theory alone; he's killed people without remorse.


You don't have the right to claim that your way of interpreting is saner than the next guy's unless the next guy's arguments are based on pies in the sky instead of logic."

furiosity. Writes some of the scariest, coolest things and is just one of those who deserves to be worshipped.

1 comment:

  1. Someone who still believes Snape has gone over to the side of evil doesn't deserve to be taken seriously about Harry Potter.

    This person clearly writes with a high opinion of herself. I don't know whether that affects the quality of the fanfiction itself, conviction can make a lot of good stuff seem better, but it makes bad stuff look good too, and not in a good way.

    And also, I'm apparently the most elitist person ever.
