17 September 2006

Pocket Monsters: Advanced Generation

For one reason or another, I downloaded and watched the last two episodes of Pokemon: AG. Since the Orange League episodes, I haven't paid much attention to Pokemon, so watching it again is...I guess rather fun. And here are the comments (+screenshots + spoilers!) of the last episode of PokeAG.

I already knew about Haruka (May) in AG. Well, I think she's the female character in...Crystal? Anyway, after seeing Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl's preview, it seems that Satoshi is meeting more and more feminine girls, haha.

My first point of interest: the Rockets seemed to have developed a tolerance against electricity. How can they not, after being shocked out of screen in half of the episodes?

Okay, fine. I admit that the only reason I downloaded this episode after seeing the previous one (which was downloaded out of curiosity) was because of Shigeru (Gary) (Insert slight fangirling here). I'm rather suprised by his rather soft voice though. Perhaps I'm just used to the horrid American dub one. Actually, most voices are done by female voice actors (incl Satoshi (Ash) and Shigeru)...But the point of this screenshot is their height. Though their height don't seem to be any different than say, the very beginning of Pokemon, they look relatively normal, right?!

So why do Shige+Sato still look like shrimps next to the adults?! Do they not AGE? I mean, really, after four-hundred-and-sixty odd episodes and travelling four to 5 countries, it can't just have been a year or something, right?! There are more episodes than days in a year! WHY DO THEY STILL LOOK NOT A DAY OVER 10?! Do they have some sort of dwarf gene or delayed growth spurt gene or something in them? Satoshi's mom x drawf = OTP?! Or, Prof. Oak x dwarf = OTP??!?!?! (is rather disturbed)

(Thinks about Gary's lack of parents, Gary and Hanako's hair color, Gary & Ash's dwarfness, their age, their "rivalry"...and arrives at something eerily similar to Korean drama plot)

But, aw, how cute, Gary goes back to town (refusing to battle with Ash with the excuse that his pokemon (previous screen shot) ran out of energy after shocking the Rockets) to tell everyone Ash's comming back so they can suprise him. (slash gears turns) Wait, but he already called ahead, so he's really trying to welcome him before everybody else!

Furthermore, he comes back to Pallet,

pwns Ash with his shiny new Pokemon,

tells him about being humble and the big, big world (of Pokemon) out there,

...and goes back to whatever he was doing in Shin'ou. (He doesn't that kind of free time [to stay awhile] and there are lots he has to do, he says.) Did he go back to Pallet just to see Ash? LoL. I think Kasumi (Misty) welcomed him home the last time he went back...is there a connection here (rival or otherwise)?!

Either that, or Shigeru is thinking "damn, I was used as a plot device again" right then.

Then Ash decides to run off to Shin'ou the next day after Gary <3 (is not seriously being a shipper here, guys.)

Seem like he'll manage to get Brock to cook/clean/care for his Pokemon for him again next series, too. I kinda want to see that now. If just for the Shigeru-love.

Anyway. Wow. Another loong post, though it's the opposite of last post, haha.


  1. Ash's father is Giovanni, leader of Team Rocket. Gary looks a lot like Lance...but I don't think his parents are ever discussed. In any case, it's not a genetic thing. Ash's mom is actually pretty tall, I think.
    Also, he meets plenty of feminine girls from the very start. Joy, whoever was at the pokemon daycare center where he got Bulbasaur, etc.
    They do age, but 13-year-olds are pretty small as well. It's not surprising.
    Just to see Ash? His grandfather/mentor is there, as well as his sister, and likely all of his childhood friends. Geez, what kind of horridly single-minded speculation is that? I suppose you think all 10-year-olds who leave home would never wish to go back again
    Looks like someone letting their obsession get a little out of hand?

  2. LoL, nice. Amusing commentary, Bernice.

    Nice observations, Larry. "I suppose you think all 10-year-olds who leave home would never wish to go back again."

    "Ash's father is Giovanni, leader of Team Rocket."

    HOLY CRAP, WUT?!?!11ONE =X I've missed out on a lot, but how'd that happen?

  3. OH BTW, might as well comment an excerpt here in case you don't read my latest entry after all:

    "Plus side to the price jump in flights that makes me stay home this coming weekend: I get to see "Red Doors" before I go. Bernice, if you read this: I am totally going, so if you would like to go too, let me know what time is good for you, so we can both see it. 12:25, 14:30, 16:35 shows are a bargain 7.75$ for Friday, general for Friday's 19:00 and 21:20 are 9.75$. The only other day we have to see it is Saturday because Sunday... Well, you know what Sunday is.
    BUT IF THERE IS ANYONE ELSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO SEE "RED DOORS" WITH ME... Let me know and let's figure out a date and time.
    Public transportation is a little tricky with this one 'cause it's showing at the Landmark Clay Theatre, but it's possible. I don't know what the parking is like in the area, but I think I would prefer to drive than to MUNI it. So again, to everyone else, let me know."

  4. I don't know if the Giovanni thing is canonical, but I think it's just one of those things that are commonly accepted. It is very strongly hinted at in the official Pokemon Broadway musical, as well as a budding romance between Ash and Misty.

    Parking in SF varies a lot. If it's the evening, you really shouldn't have to pay more than 4. I would advise against going during a weekday, because they count hours during the day, and it sort of restricts you. There are places you can park for free, but I don't know where in SF that particular theater is. Probably not near Fisherman's Wharf/Ghirardelli Square? You can look for more, I know they exist. Probably not worth the trouble though.
