30 January 2005


VIRUS ADVISORY: W32/Bagle.bj@MM - Medium Risk
Current VirusScan users with DAT 4423 are protected from
this threat. Learn more about W32/Bagle.bj@MM here:

FreeScan checks for W32/Bagle.bj@MM.
Scan now:

--> What is it?

W32/Bagle.bj@MM is a Medium Risk mass-mailing worm that
tries to open a backdoor on your PC. Carried inside an email
attachment, the virus spreads by emailing itself to stolen
contacts and via file-sharing programs such as KaZaa,
Bearshare and Limewire. Like its many predecessors,
W32/Bagle.bj also tries to turn off anti-virus and other
security software protection.

Updated McAfee VirusScan users with DAT 4423 are
protected from this threat. Note: To fortify anti-virus
defense against viruses that carry backdoor payloads, we
recommend installing McAfee Personal Firewall Plus:

--> What should I look for?

FROM: Varies (spoofed)
SUBJECT: Examples: Delivery service mail, Delivery by mail,
Registration is accepted, Is delivered mail, You are made
BODY: Examples: Thanks for use of our software. Before use
read the help.
ATTACHMENT: Examples: wsd01, viupd02, siupd02, guupd02,
zupd02, upd02, Jol03 (with an extension of .exe,
.scr, .com or .cpl)

--> How do I know if I've been infected?

Unexpected communication ports open on infected machine.
Outgoing messages with noted body content and attachments.

--> How do I find out more?

View details about W32/Bagle.bj@MM here.

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