05 January 2005


It pains. Am I not allowed to get excited about a topic, am I not allowed to want to express my god damned idea without being labled taking every fucking thing personally? Must I, unknowledgeable and do not excell in any skills, always, always, absorb what others have to say only? For once I developed my own viewpoint AND would like to share with the few that would be interested, I was not allowed to talk, not allowed to challenge three-thousand-year-old ideas. Do not Express One's Own Thoughts. I would be much satisfied if he knew what my bloody point is. But even that was cut off and lost to his sea of 'knowledge.' I am no longer the child whose only task was to absorb all the colors of this world. I'm beginning to mix colors and growing new sprouts from them.

Please, listen to me.

More than anyone else in this world, I trust you to unreservedly voice your feedbacks on my ideas.

More than anyone else in this universe, I want you to beta and proofread and dicuss my ideas.

Yes, thank you, more input will be great, but please not when I'm brewing my own mix of cauldron and trying to consult you if that will kill everyone within smelling range by twitchy eyeballs. I don't need the raspberry that will convince people that it's really just juice now, thank you very much. Just knowing the brew will not kill is fine. No. Really. Right now I need to know whether this pollen is edible, not how I should go about collecting them instead of buying them from the department store, nor what is related to it.

Am I mixing my soup or yours? Mine? Doesn't seem quite like it, with you cutting my off at every half sentence.

Do you even know what I'm trying to make?

Lying won't help. I know you weren't listening. I know I didn't get the chance to list the last ingredient in my theoretical recipe that would tell you what the hell I'm trying to make.

Is getting excited about a topic a BAD thing?

I'm tense because I've been trying to say the same DAMNED thing for the past 15 minutes, you know. But then again, you don't know. You were too busy telling me YOUR knowledge of a related subject, going off at a 60° angle, and I kept trying to drag the topic back.

I'm not taking the subject personally. I am, however, taking your inattentiveness personally.


No, I don't want you to listen when you're merely doing so because of my anger and don't truely have the heart to listen to what I've got to say.

Just because I explode into a ranting, illogical mess...just going along for me to cool down back into my dark, unmoving, UNTHINKING mass. As long as you didn't provoke me, as long as your ears weren't subjected to outbursts.

You don't even think this is an important mark in my life, and you definately don't think I had put thoughts in to this. You'll just think it's another one of my strange quirks, resulted from an overdose of manga, anime, computer, fanfiction, and spending too much time alone. Not because THIS is what I BELIEVE. Not because I want to let my mind roam past the boundaries between science and superstition and myth and religion and stir them into one gray drink.

You don't believe I have such inspirations, nevermind that I will probably never reach this conclusion.


Uh. Yes. Angst. Stress and Tiredness and just too much on my mine does that. Not to mention that I needed that outlet...yet was forced to hold it back...

This was not the first time it happened.

Um...what's up with the lack of updates? Laziness. I actually wanted to do a reflection and aspiration thing back on New Year's Eve, in addition to the Kakashi Gaiden afterthoughts and other junk [including what I did not do during the break], but as I've heard more than enough times, 'shit happens.'

Alright, I'll make some of it up (to who?) with some 'gushing':
? Ishida Uryuu
[insert gushing here]

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, some of that actually looks like it could apply to me...but I haven't had a recent conversation with you (you left robotics early on Tuesday, looking rather tired), and hopefully you don't hold such long grudges?

    If someone is not listening to you...you are right that trying to make them listen usually won't help, as it just makes them resentful and perhaps even less likely to appreciate what you have to say. But sometimes other people who might be normally receptive will behave differently, just because of random shifts in mood, and theres not really anything you can do or anyone you can really blame. Better to just accept that people will not always act in the way that you might want them to, and to just let them know your needs and hope for the best?

    You need more self-confidence (I felt like I've said that before) but that's much easier said than done...

    You will be at robotics Saturday afternoon right?
