16 February 2005

NARUTO on Toonami Summer 2005

NARUTO? On Toonami??


Have those blockheads figured out that anime are not all for 'kids' and that there is a huge market of 12+ beings hogging the fandom? Or that NARUTO is not a 'kid's show' in general?! That showing it on Toonami is disemboweling the series? That Naruto and Sasuke and Sakura and Kakashi and Iruka and Itachi and Jiraiya and Tsunade and...(the rest cut off) deserves better than that?!

No. Apparently not. And I thought it being licensed is bad enough.

“We had success in 2004 with an emphasis on providing hundreds of hours of new programming and establishing new hit series, which, in conjunction with our dayparting strategy and a new on-air look, resulted in our best year ever with boys 6-11, kids and boys 2-11 and tweens."
Honestly, do they think it's because only children that age watch anime? No! The others don't because they are old enough to know the good stuff that were cut out or ruined in the dub! The older knows where to find and buy the good stuff, so they don't watch the censored ones with brain-washing commercials or participate in those childish contests! It's because they don't have the time to come home at three-thirty exactly to turn on the tv or has nothing to do but to catch the eight 'o Clock new episode on a Saturday morning! It's because the 2 to 11-year-olds are just starting to have anime introduced to them! They don't know the difference between anime and cartoon, they just know that it's show for kids! They like it because it's GAG! But Naruto is really much more than GAG. It's Disney without sexism, Superman with a plot, and Pixar in a series! Please, Stick to kid's shows if your audience are kids! Don't try censoring a more mature show to get younger audiences just because the company likes the series and ruin everything for all of your other fans. You already have a bad reputation as English dubbers. Don't worsen your reputation further by dubbing something not meant to be translated into English. NARUTO has too many Japanese Culture-related inferences that, once translated into English, will either sound bad or make no sense at all!

Naruto: Twelve years ago, a nasty demon decimated a village but was contained in a baby who is now a student at a ninja academy. But this antisocial boy does not know that he is possessed. As he evolves as a ninja, his inner demon gives him more and more powers. To become a master ninja, he must learn to control his powers without destroying those around him.
I teared when I saw this. Really. Like, What the Fuck?! Know the series before you type any summaries, you bastards. Even watching the first episode will tell you that "this antisocial boy" that you speak of is not Naruto. And dude, that's not the story. He doesn't try to control his powers because Kyuubi's powers will destroy everything, dammit. Are they on crack when they did this or are they this unprofessional?

I am, quite frankly, more than disappointed.

By the way:
■ Cartoon Network Unveils New Shows, Original Programming Franchise and Acquisitions at 2005 Kids Upfront Presentation


  1. First of all, why are you so despairing about how bad it will be? You sound like you're overreacting a lot based on not very much data. Toonami's done okay with several dubs in the past; off the top of my head, for Cowboy Bebop and Gundam Wing they left the important parts unscathed. (The music in the former and the mechs and bishies in the latter.)

    You don't have to watch Toonami's bastardized version if you think it will be that bad (and I don't have a TV so I'm going to end up dling it anyway).
    The worst that could happen is that all of a sudden 8 year olds start running around in their little head protectors and orange jumpsuits yelling badly dubbed lines, and that makes the rest of us feel slightly ashamed and foolish for being even remotely associated with people acting like such fools?
    True that the "new" version might be very corrupted and stupid compared to the original, but if everyone who's "in the know" knows better anyway and sticks to black-market fansubs, theres no reason for the two fanbases to collide at all, is there?

    Don't you have more important things to get excited about anyway? (Like ship deadline next Tuesday -.-)

  2. Hmm, didn't CN get Fullmetal Alchemist too? How did they do with that?
