27 February 2005

Wishlist + IdleTalk

I certain Eric/Jin/Jai/God/etc asked me to compile a list of things I want, which he oathed to not get me, LoL. Well...no, this entry will not contain the list, nor will it have any links to such a place. This serves more like a reminder that I must compile it...o___O;;

Gah! And my to-do list! o____O;;

"Hate, sadness, and even happiness...To be able to share it with another person...Uzumaki Naruto...by fighting with him, he taught me that feeling." - Sabaku no Gaara//Ch 249 Even with references from Inane and udanstraight, I still don't think I got the translation right. Anyhow, I love Gaara's speech. He reached realization, and sees a clear goal...(needless to say, that is what I lack now) No, it's not just fighting with Naruto that he concluded that: Fighting with Kimimaro also helped...

Music: "Onara I" - 大長今 OST, Track 14
"The Lengent Becomes History" - 大長今 OST, Track 15

My favorite drama series ? Not only is the plot super!, actors are also great, not to mention the awesome soundtrack (featuring my adored traditional/classical and rock mix) and all the talk about food ? Was a big hit in Korea, Japan, China, and now, Hong Kong. It's shown on Channel 26/cable 8 at 21:00 on weeknights in US, dubbed in Manderine Chinese. I want to watch the subbed version, Kyaa! If anyone can download it from BT here and burn it for me, I will love them forever O_O


  1. http://www.google.com/search?num=20&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&c2coff=1&q=%E5%A4%A7%E9%95%B7%E4%BB%8A+torrent

    And you had a wishlist before. It used to be in a sort of sidebar thing. I KNOW I'M RIGHT THIS TIME, YOU CAN'T FOOL ME AGAIN >.<

  2. LOL :)

    Hm, you mean "legend," ne? Btw, it's not just dubbed in Mandarin. i believe it's in its original Korean when you use the SAP option - Secondary Audio.. thingy. :)

    OH and btw, i Googled my Devilman statuette thingy? Devilman was apparently this really popular manga, first produced in 1972, extremely violent, etc. "The manga was so popular that it became its own anime series in that same year..." And so on. (From http://www.cjas.org/~bchow/gonagai/devilman/dm.html.)

    Seems cool. Now i'm all interested... >w<;;

