23 December 2004

Hit-And-Run Accident On Second

There was a hit-and-run accident on Second Street, between South Grant and Humbolt [I think?], right in front of my neighbor's house. There was one dead, that being my neighbor. I don't know anything about him except that he's Black, wore a short-sleeved shirt and watch on his right hand the day he died, and that my cat likes the dry grass in his back yard. He was covered in yellow cloth, with a group of paramedic-police mix chatting, occationally laughing, besides him, all of them blocking the way of tired people who goes home by that route [they had closed off that section of 2nd entirely].

It could've been an accident; people do [dangerously] speed on that short stretch of road. Or it could've been a murder; I had been hearing much past midnight conversations comming from that house on days that I stay up late. Ungodly hours of one to three in the morning. Loud conversations. But never loud enough to distinguish words from their deep-voiced grunts of conversation...

How sad. Only two days from Christmas.
I manipulated the time so it'd be the right day. Current time of entry is Christmas eve, 01:16.

22 December 2004

Unlocked All of Narutimett & All Other NARUTO-Related Rants At Midnight

Ehh...as topic said. Orochi is frightening, but powerful...The end is an animation of Team Seven running in the sunset...the one Kishimoto-sensei illustrated...I left them running for a while...as I was entranced by it...

Ehh...again, replying to csrjjsmp, No, I don't think the Kairi or Ryo is gay, and I don't think everyone is either. I don't think you are, now do I? Well, now that I think about it, I've never really considered others' perferences. Telling me someone is homosexual will only give me the kind of shock when hearing about someone's crush?in other words, mild interest/curiosity. In terms of characters not in reality (NO! SASUKE IS REAL! NOOOOO I CAN'T HEAR YOU!! LALALA!!), I'm in full support of ShikaIno, Kiba-/Shino-Hina [but not ShinoKiba, please], LeeSaku, and occationally Hyuugacest*, NejiTen, and NaruHina. I really don't like it when some yaoi fangirls make every guy a homosexual...because some just can't possibly be...just imagine Lee doing that winking thing to Neji...(shudders) Then why Naruto? Because he's 'Sasukesexual,' term coined by Nazo, the author of Naruto no Hohoemi. eeto...ShikaNeji is just...frightening, though I've come across this minor paring. OroIta is really quite scarring, but I'm used to it now, after 30 chapters of And the Beat Goes On by QueenAngelblood. Eeto...ItaOC**[female] is actually not that bad...but I've only tred across one, and while the AU*** Itachi is a bit OoC****, Seika is a great pair for this OoC Ita-kun. Uchihacest* irks me a bit, but I don't see it as outragous as pairings like GaaSaku, ShikaNeji, GenIru, etc. Who knows what's going on in that strange head of Itachi's...Though I hate [with a passion] of any adults paired with a minor. That REALLY bothers me.

Peach Girl is a shoujo, so Kairi/Ryo/Toji/Goro/etc would never even dream of liking another guy ^^ in fact...the only thing bothering me about Peach Girl is the repetitive plot of Momo choosing between Toji and Kairi and Sae constantly breaking them up. At least the ending was kinda nice...the good[and bad?] thing about most long shoujo is that if you miss a volume, you only need to read the summary to find what's going on and be satisfied with that. I can skip more than half of Peach Girl and read the last two volumes [which is what I did in Borders today] and still be with the plot. There's really nothing to miss. ¬¬;; Can't do that in many of the Shounen/action. Eeh...can't do that in Grativtation either...it's too chaotic to even skim.

Why am I so caught up on defending myself anyways? It's none of my business on what you think...ahh, stupid reflexes.

On the other hand, I found another Ishida Uryuu-kun look-alike. This time, the similarity is uncanny. Long bangs, middle part, black hair, glasses, long-coated, carries a cross, sharp eyes. Nakaura, Tomonori [24, math teacher of a HS, can cook well] can very well be a grown up Uryuu-kun. ^^

Eeh..I've typed for over 40minutes...tired.

EDIT: (DIES) I keep forgetting to put the definitions down. I did that a few days ago too... ><;
*[blah]cest: Incest of [blah] family
**OC: Original Character...sadly, they're usually Mary Sues***** or whatever the male counterpart word is [John Doe? David John?]
***AU: Alternate Universe, as in fanfiction not following the original plot.
****OoC: Out Of Character, as in a cheery Sasuke [that is not Kairi] or something..opposite of IC, meaning In Character
*****Mary Sue: an incredibly aboriginal character


After nights of coloring, I've finally finished the skin and eye portion of the Naruto drawing I've been working on...And it's only going to get worse...I guess it's okay so far o___O; I'm having trouble choosing Naruto's hair color...since whatever I choose seem too dull of a yellow...even the samples that I took...tired..damn period.

21 December 2004

More Seiyuu Discoveries!

Kurosaki, Hisoka [Yami no Matsuei/Descendants of Darkness] is voiced by Asano, Mayumi, who also voices Haku!

Miki, Shinichiro voices Tsuzuki, Asato of the same series, as well as Crim of the .HACK series, Urahara, Kisuke ['Manager'] of Bleach, and Mizuki of NARUTO!

Kyaa—Inoue, Kazuhiko, who voices Yuki, Eiri [Gravitation], Hatake, Kakashi [NARUTO], and many other characters, also voiced in Yami no Matsuei as Oriya, Mibu~!

And...noowayy.....Seki, Toshihiko, who is Iruka in Naruto, Sanzo of Saiyuki, Duo of Gundam Wing, and Count D of Petshop of Horrors, is Watari in YnM?! o_______O;;

Sora of .HACK//sign, Tasumi of YnM, and Aoki of X are all voiced by Morikawa, Toshiyuki...though he looks neither like businessman Tasumi and Aoki are nor like Sora o___O;;;

I fear KUJIRA...who, while has a nickname that means WHALE, voices Orochimaru in NARUTO, and has a photograph that made me wonder whether she's female or not [it's Orochimaru and his female speech, I tell you!]...

Eeto..Paku Romi is very cool~she doesn't even look like the kind of gal who can pull off voices like Ken of Digimon, Edward of FMA, Katsushiro of Samurai 7, and Ren of Shaman King~ Temari suits her though...Romi is like Junko Takeguchi [Naruto//NARUTO, Gon//HxH, Metabee//Metabots, Mokuba//Yu-Gi-Oh]...as seen in their roles...it's a pain to hear them talk together o__O;;

EEEH!? Gaara [NARUTO] = Xelloss [Slayers] = Hiwatari, Satoshi (TV) [D.N.Angel] = Hakkai [Saiyuki] = Arthrun [Gundam seed] = Kaworu [Evangelion] = Ishida Akira?! o___O;;;; B...bu...but...Gaara and Xelloss are like...COMPLETELY DIFFERENT?!! 0_0 Ishida-san scares me, but I hail him anyways O__O

Uchiha Uryuu

After seeing the preview in episode 10 of Bleach, I REJOICED! at the long-awaited appearance of Ishida, Uryuu! [Insert FangirlSqueal!(TM) here] And so I went to download episode 11 & 12, unsubbed, from Saiyaman.

Uryuu-kun's voice is done by our beloved Non-Tan [Sugiyama, Noriaki]! Though, as a Seiyuu newbie, he's not very good at changing his voice, thus making Uryuu-kun an AU* Sasuke ^^;; I had always thought Uryuu-kun should have a deeper voice than Sasuke though...hope Non-Tan will work on that in the future~ The producer of Bleach weren't making a mistake in giving Uryuu-kun's role to Non-Tan. Both Uryuu-kun and Sasuke frowns and glares as if 'something crawled up his ass and died,' though more Sasuke than Uryuu ^^

I love Uryuu-kun's ability to sew...now just imagine Sasuke doing the exact same move ['Sharingan!!'](ROFL)

Just a day ago I found someone who did a NARUTO/Bleach Fanart, with Sasuke as Uryuu and Naruto as Ichigo, which can be found here. The picture itself is safe, but for your sanity(?)'s sake, it's from a SasuNaru LJ community, so be sure not to wonder too far if you fear ^^ Ehh, the picture's not fabulously drawn, as there are off-proportioned body parts, but it's not so bad that it's glaring...much.

By the way. I have no idea about 3/4 of the things they said in Bleach...-_-;;;

20 December 2004

Peach Girl [in relation to NARUTO]

I picked up Peach Girl by Ueda, Miwa some time ago in the Main Library, and that day, instead of soaking up Bio chapters, I read around 6 inconsecutive volumes of this Shoujo manga. In my third volume, I couldn't help but comparing Okayasu, Kairi [Kiley] with Sasuke...well, at least, Sasuke if he's on sedatives or crack. Middle-parted dark bangs hanging over dark eyes, framing a pretty face that gets hoarded by fangirls, as well as brother just as, if not more, drool-worthy than Kairi himself whom he hates. Sound familiar? Err, regarding the drool-worthy part, it's based on the context of the manga, because I personally don't think either Kairi or Ryo is good enough since the Uchiha Bros can beat the Okayasu Bros any day.

The one glaring difference are their personalities. In fact, they have completely different personalities! One is perverted, silly, and very social, while the other is...not. Though a hornball Sasuke can often be spotted in the realm of fandom.

(gasp!) KakaIru Moment!

This morning I forgot to mention the KakaIru moment at the end of the Kakashi-Ten. Why KakaIru moment? Because why Iruka, of all people, to find Kakashi moping in front of the monument [no doubt talking to Obito again] and cheers him up? ^^

This, supposedly, should belong to the footnote section, as I'm replying to csrjjsmp, but it's more important as a RANT!
The point is, if you think the trust between Chouji and Shikamaru is overdone and be a ShikaChoji moment, then you'll be also admitting to SasuNaru, because we all know Naruto's main motivation to chase after Sasuke is not the promise to Sakura. ^^

csrjjsmp's view is exactly the POV of many...-_-;;

Kakashi vs. Haku—Narutimett Hero

I just finished the Kakashi-Ten in Narutimett [yes, I know, I'm slow], and getting Haku with Sennen koroshi is just funny...thought it'd be even better if I got Orochi or Zabuza with it... ^^

Yay. Only have Shikamaru and Hinata left to finish...though there might be more characters to unlock...

18 December 2004

蝶。 [NARUTO Episode 113-114]

Errm, there's a reason why I just skipped 112 and perhaps even 110-111. Really. But! The topic is 113-114 so I won't go further than that.

蝶(ちょう*)is actually another Kishimoto name pun. It is derived from the 'chou' in 'Chouji', though the common given name 'Chouji' is not written in the same kanji. Yay for pretty blue butterflies. Episode 114 is another glaring example of Kishimoto-sensei as a closet doujinshi-ka: there's symbolism. The whole fight is better played out in the anime than the manga, and the last scene of 114 is just awesomely(?) done. Dramatic, yes, but good nonetheless. Skinny Chouji with Chakra butterfly wings looked very edible (...!), but the producers seemed to have overdone the contrast the difference between the normal and the pepper-pill-ed Chouji. In 113 Chouji was much chubbier than necessary, and the peppered version's legs looked like whey were toothpicks wrapped in bandages.

Chouji is really a stereotypical overweight child, especially in conformity-promoted societies like HK and perhaps Japan. He's such a undermined character too. It's hard not to like Chouji, whether for his underwear-styled hitai-ate, his sensitivity to the name 'debu', or 'fatty', his kindness, or his chubbiness [for there are far too little not-skinny and cool characters around].

Understanding between Chouji and Shikamaru is one of the most touching ones, as depicted in various times through out 112-114. There are really not many who can say they're as close to their best friends as a brother or sister...Both Chibi-Chouji's and Chibi-Shikamaru's voices were a bit off though, as both of their voices sound too much like their 12-yr-old self.

I should say something about the significance of the butterfly too [besides that they suit Chouji very well and that they're pretty], but...I don't feel like it...

I sniffled during the last few minutes of 114 ;_; but whether that is due to the cold weather [since I know how he'd turn out] or because I'm emotional [PMS, fangirlish chemicals, etc], that will be for the pandas to ponder and Poriferas** to know.

「父ちゃん...僕には仲間がいっぱい出来た...」'Tou-chan...boku ni wa nakama ga ippai dekita...'
'Dad, I have made a lot of friends...' - Akamichi, Chouji : NARUTO ep114 :: Um, quite self explanatory if you've seen the series, if that makes any sense at all...

*Chou: 'Butterfly',as in the 'chou' of the 'Ino-shika-chou' formation, which means 'pig-deer-butterfly formation'.
**Porifera: (gasp) a non-Japanese related explanation?! Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Porifera, otherwise known as sponges.

13 December 2004


No, really. I truely do not know what to title this entry. To start matters off and as a record, I've had this window open for more than 24 hours [and my computer on for a day longer] and it is not until now that I begin modifying the 'template.'

Next. I have a whole chapter of Bio to take notes on in addition to the Scarlet Letter/Minister's Black Veil/Bartleby/Civil Disobedience essay rough draft and a whole unit's worth of Calc homework to accomplish, yet I sit here and type. No, definately not during the weekend or when I have relatively less homework. The blogging must be done now.

I swung the dense textbook from the white bookcase onto the white table, and with with long, untrimmed nails, opened the text at around the middle. Sweeping other worksheets and handouts into a pile on the floor, I determinatedly instructed myself, 'Alright now, do your homework and no drawing Itachi!'

Almost immediately, fingers picked out that one cursed page of an Itachi head—the one I've been trying to materialize his body from—and laid it over the binder paper in which I prepared to take notes on.

So much for determination.

I had no way of writing that without sounding like a bored rant-er either. -_-;; But the point is, I've decided to redraw the Itachi I promised Venus, my friend in Hong Hong over four months ago. I started it while in HK, but for one reason or another, forgot about it...that is, until a few days ago. Looking back at the one I started, I cringe at the lack of skills it radiated. Well, at least, lacked more than now. [If I had SKILLZ I would not be stuck after drawing the head, now would I?] Thus the orgin Itachi for Venus attempt number two, four months later. A sitting, studying, bored, college student(?!) Itachi is provining to be difficult though. I'll no doubt give up on it soon, though I'm not compelled to do so...yet.

I haven't been very motivated to do my NARUTO afterthoughts lately because a) I'm waiting for the Kakashi Gaiden to end before I conclude, and b) I'm neither wow-ed or disgusted at the anime lately. I'll do them next week. Really.

Yay. Back to my Itachi...er, I mean, Bio homework!

'Those who don't follow the rules are trash. But those who don't care about their comrads are lower than trash.' - Uchiha, Obito : NARUTO ch240 :: I'd love to analyze this quote and its effect on Kakashi right now, but...no. The original Japanese quote and its analyze will come when the Gaiden ends ^^ (nobody cares, you idiot.)

Music: Morning - Masuda, Toshiro//NARUTO

11 December 2004

My First Deviant Comment!

...from someone other than ones I know personally, I mean. Check my Yukigawa Sei drawing for that comment ^^ I feel like I'm a little kid who just got praised for going to the toilet by herself, despite the commenter being what seems like a bald 22-yr-old. Not that it really matters. And whether that toilet incident actually occured is up to the world (me included) to speculate.

I feel resolute to make short, in-topic blog entries.

Music: Naruto Main Theme - Toshiro, Masuda//NARUTO :: Oh how I can never stress my love for rock + classic music enough. Traditional instruments + drums and electronic guitars rock.

10 December 2004

Less Cold

It rained a few times recently. Thus the weather got warmer.

All hail the high specific heat water.

Yay for H2O.

I got fatter because it's winter. Just like bears do.

Music: Seishun Kyousoukyoku - Sambomaster//NARUTO : NARUTO 7th [?] ending :: I don't know why. I like this song just like how I take liking to GO!!!. I like the anime version of Seishun Kyousoukyoku better though. The ~2min afterwards seems more like filler...I especially like the part before the singing at the beginning =D

What's This—I've Got An Audience?

To say the least, I'm amused. I got comments on my lack of ranting, LoL. A grand total of four in the last entry about coldness! (amused to no end)

As a reply to csrjjsmp's wise comments about how I need a fan to cool down in the summer months, I would like to say, 'No, I don't have a fan in the house. Our fan was recalled during the past mid-summer.' So HA! XD

Responding to comments of my 40041127 entry:
*The mainstream teeagers-
This reminds me of the videos we watched in Psychology in CSM. The videos were about how MTV sells teenagers back to themselves and the trend-hunters. The trend-hunters are people who basically go out onto the streets and find the ones who dress at the 'tip of the trend'—or, ones who don't follow the trend. They capture their souls [with a camera] and promote the trend-leaders' fashion to the mass. One really obvious example is the climbing popularity of Gothic-Punk clothing, as seen characterized by the ]already common] spiked jewelery and metal-lined belt and the [popularity-gaining] fishnets. These weren't worn as a mainstream fashion only a few years ago. Now we see them even in Target.

This topic ends here. More on next topic ^^

02 December 2004


Cold. Too cold, yet not cold enough. It frosts, but not snow.

I'm tired.

There is much that I want to respond to though...

And there are also my weekly(?) NARUTO review/summaries...

I do need more sleep during chilly months.

'BerBer the bear hibernates.' - Amy