23 December 2004

Hit-And-Run Accident On Second

There was a hit-and-run accident on Second Street, between South Grant and Humbolt [I think?], right in front of my neighbor's house. There was one dead, that being my neighbor. I don't know anything about him except that he's Black, wore a short-sleeved shirt and watch on his right hand the day he died, and that my cat likes the dry grass in his back yard. He was covered in yellow cloth, with a group of paramedic-police mix chatting, occationally laughing, besides him, all of them blocking the way of tired people who goes home by that route [they had closed off that section of 2nd entirely].

It could've been an accident; people do [dangerously] speed on that short stretch of road. Or it could've been a murder; I had been hearing much past midnight conversations comming from that house on days that I stay up late. Ungodly hours of one to three in the morning. Loud conversations. But never loud enough to distinguish words from their deep-voiced grunts of conversation...

How sad. Only two days from Christmas.
I manipulated the time so it'd be the right day. Current time of entry is Christmas eve, 01:16.


  1. A pretty lousy method to settle a domestic dispute. I'd say most likely an accident, but what do I know...
    Too bad whoever it was was unwilling to take responsibility, eh.

  2. Update! Are you on vacation or something? I can't dl naruto or bleach at home so I need someone to tell me what happens....
