02 December 2004


Cold. Too cold, yet not cold enough. It frosts, but not snow.

I'm tired.

There is much that I want to respond to though...

And there are also my weekly(?) NARUTO review/summaries...

I do need more sleep during chilly months.

'BerBer the bear hibernates.' - Amy


  1. It just gets dark earlier and light later, so since there's more dark, you think you should be sleeping more. And if you were ectothermic (or maybe just have a really cold house), that might be true.

    I can do this week's Naruto summary for you.
    Yay! Shino finally gets the respect he deserves! Ever since Shikamaru got promoted, I was hoping that Shino would get to do _something_, especially since his fights in the past have been...disappointing. Okay, so he still doesn't get to fight, and he is only mentioned in like 2 lines in one scene, but he is treated with respect. Hooray for Shino.
    The others...not that great. Shikamaru, Chouji and Lee especially are very exaggerated and not plausible.
    Neji doesn't act like his usual self, which may be expected since he is supposed to be changed now...
    Sakura is more annoying than ever. Not because she's useless (although she is), but just because she's so...whiny, maybe?
    And Naruto doesn't seem to be jealous for some reason.

    It seems almost all I can do is complain and I only get happy at weird stuff, and maybe that's true. I'm depressed that the first fight is going to be Chouji, too. Why couldn't Shikamaru have picked some decent teammates...Neji and Naruto make sense, but...he's supposed to be smarter than that.

    Okay on second thought that was nothing like what you usually do. Let's try again...
    Sasuke is ~sooo cute!

    Maybe the series is deteriorating? If Kimimaro and Tayuya's fights are done well, all is forgiven, though.

  2. 2 weeks (and 3 episodes) without a Naruto review? Are you ok? :)

  3. Anonymous6.12.04

    I played Narutimett Hero 2 =P very fun! I like Anbu no kakashi =P

    tsk tsk behind on your rants...
