18 December 2004

蝶。 [NARUTO Episode 113-114]

Errm, there's a reason why I just skipped 112 and perhaps even 110-111. Really. But! The topic is 113-114 so I won't go further than that.

蝶(ちょう*)is actually another Kishimoto name pun. It is derived from the 'chou' in 'Chouji', though the common given name 'Chouji' is not written in the same kanji. Yay for pretty blue butterflies. Episode 114 is another glaring example of Kishimoto-sensei as a closet doujinshi-ka: there's symbolism. The whole fight is better played out in the anime than the manga, and the last scene of 114 is just awesomely(?) done. Dramatic, yes, but good nonetheless. Skinny Chouji with Chakra butterfly wings looked very edible (...!), but the producers seemed to have overdone the contrast the difference between the normal and the pepper-pill-ed Chouji. In 113 Chouji was much chubbier than necessary, and the peppered version's legs looked like whey were toothpicks wrapped in bandages.

Chouji is really a stereotypical overweight child, especially in conformity-promoted societies like HK and perhaps Japan. He's such a undermined character too. It's hard not to like Chouji, whether for his underwear-styled hitai-ate, his sensitivity to the name 'debu', or 'fatty', his kindness, or his chubbiness [for there are far too little not-skinny and cool characters around].

Understanding between Chouji and Shikamaru is one of the most touching ones, as depicted in various times through out 112-114. There are really not many who can say they're as close to their best friends as a brother or sister...Both Chibi-Chouji's and Chibi-Shikamaru's voices were a bit off though, as both of their voices sound too much like their 12-yr-old self.

I should say something about the significance of the butterfly too [besides that they suit Chouji very well and that they're pretty], but...I don't feel like it...

I sniffled during the last few minutes of 114 ;_; but whether that is due to the cold weather [since I know how he'd turn out] or because I'm emotional [PMS, fangirlish chemicals, etc], that will be for the pandas to ponder and Poriferas** to know.

「父ちゃん...僕には仲間がいっぱい出来た...」'Tou-chan...boku ni wa nakama ga ippai dekita...'
'Dad, I have made a lot of friends...' - Akamichi, Chouji : NARUTO ep114 :: Um, quite self explanatory if you've seen the series, if that makes any sense at all...

*Chou: 'Butterfly',as in the 'chou' of the 'Ino-shika-chou' formation, which means 'pig-deer-butterfly formation'.
**Porifera: (gasp) a non-Japanese related explanation?! Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Porifera, otherwise known as sponges.

1 comment:

  1. Odd, I thought the Chouji-Shikamaru thing was horribly overdone. Chouji would have to be really lonely (a lot more than he is depicted as) to be _that_ fond of Shikamaru (or maybe they're gay O_O "my relationship with Chouji makes him easy to handle...")
    The butterfly thing was awful too. And Chouji doesn't even seem that nice. He really should have brought Shino along instead.

    Yeah, I think I disproved your "hard not to like Chouji" assertion. Nobody likes fat people -_-' The reason there are more skinny and cool characters is because those are the ones that are skinny and cool.

    Well, maybe it's for the best that he's more than just that guy who's eating all the time. That WAS getting boring.
