22 December 2004

Unlocked All of Narutimett & All Other NARUTO-Related Rants At Midnight

Ehh...as topic said. Orochi is frightening, but powerful...The end is an animation of Team Seven running in the sunset...the one Kishimoto-sensei illustrated...I left them running for a while...as I was entranced by it...

Ehh...again, replying to csrjjsmp, No, I don't think the Kairi or Ryo is gay, and I don't think everyone is either. I don't think you are, now do I? Well, now that I think about it, I've never really considered others' perferences. Telling me someone is homosexual will only give me the kind of shock when hearing about someone's crush?in other words, mild interest/curiosity. In terms of characters not in reality (NO! SASUKE IS REAL! NOOOOO I CAN'T HEAR YOU!! LALALA!!), I'm in full support of ShikaIno, Kiba-/Shino-Hina [but not ShinoKiba, please], LeeSaku, and occationally Hyuugacest*, NejiTen, and NaruHina. I really don't like it when some yaoi fangirls make every guy a homosexual...because some just can't possibly be...just imagine Lee doing that winking thing to Neji...(shudders) Then why Naruto? Because he's 'Sasukesexual,' term coined by Nazo, the author of Naruto no Hohoemi. eeto...ShikaNeji is just...frightening, though I've come across this minor paring. OroIta is really quite scarring, but I'm used to it now, after 30 chapters of And the Beat Goes On by QueenAngelblood. Eeto...ItaOC**[female] is actually not that bad...but I've only tred across one, and while the AU*** Itachi is a bit OoC****, Seika is a great pair for this OoC Ita-kun. Uchihacest* irks me a bit, but I don't see it as outragous as pairings like GaaSaku, ShikaNeji, GenIru, etc. Who knows what's going on in that strange head of Itachi's...Though I hate [with a passion] of any adults paired with a minor. That REALLY bothers me.

Peach Girl is a shoujo, so Kairi/Ryo/Toji/Goro/etc would never even dream of liking another guy ^^ in fact...the only thing bothering me about Peach Girl is the repetitive plot of Momo choosing between Toji and Kairi and Sae constantly breaking them up. At least the ending was kinda nice...the good[and bad?] thing about most long shoujo is that if you miss a volume, you only need to read the summary to find what's going on and be satisfied with that. I can skip more than half of Peach Girl and read the last two volumes [which is what I did in Borders today] and still be with the plot. There's really nothing to miss. ¬¬;; Can't do that in many of the Shounen/action. Eeh...can't do that in Grativtation either...it's too chaotic to even skim.

Why am I so caught up on defending myself anyways? It's none of my business on what you think...ahh, stupid reflexes.

On the other hand, I found another Ishida Uryuu-kun look-alike. This time, the similarity is uncanny. Long bangs, middle part, black hair, glasses, long-coated, carries a cross, sharp eyes. Nakaura, Tomonori [24, math teacher of a HS, can cook well] can very well be a grown up Uryuu-kun. ^^

Eeh..I've typed for over 40minutes...tired.

EDIT: (DIES) I keep forgetting to put the definitions down. I did that a few days ago too... ><;
*[blah]cest: Incest of [blah] family
**OC: Original Character...sadly, they're usually Mary Sues***** or whatever the male counterpart word is [John Doe? David John?]
***AU: Alternate Universe, as in fanfiction not following the original plot.
****OoC: Out Of Character, as in a cheery Sasuke [that is not Kairi] or something..opposite of IC, meaning In Character
*****Mary Sue: an incredibly aboriginal character

1 comment:

  1. Fushigi Yugi is a shoujo anime and features a very gay character (or maybe two?). I'm sure there are more, but I tend not to watch those as much for...obvious reasons.

    And yeah...the long list you gave indicates that even if you don't raelly believe they're all gay, you've at least thought about it (or read the fanfic of it). So doesn't that hurt your case even more? ;P

    I don't suppose it bothers you enough to keep you from reading it.
