11 December 2004

My First Deviant Comment!

...from someone other than ones I know personally, I mean. Check my Yukigawa Sei drawing for that comment ^^ I feel like I'm a little kid who just got praised for going to the toilet by herself, despite the commenter being what seems like a bald 22-yr-old. Not that it really matters. And whether that toilet incident actually occured is up to the world (me included) to speculate.

I feel resolute to make short, in-topic blog entries.

Music: Naruto Main Theme - Toshiro, Masuda//NARUTO :: Oh how I can never stress my love for rock + classic music enough. Traditional instruments + drums and electronic guitars rock.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, but little do you know, there's really no such thing as an in-topic blog entry. (Or maybe it's that theres no such thing as an off-topic one?)

    Why do you draw with mouse? Isn't it better to draw by hand, then scan, or get one of those super-expensive pen tablet thingies?
    Yeah, a comment is something to be happy about, but it seems like he doesn' watch/read Naruto. I got the impression he thinks you made up the cocept/character from scratch or something. :)
