28 July 2004

Seperated and Quite Stranded (HK of ?)

Okay. So now I'm at "Star Computer City", using their free internet service (waited 15 minutes for my turn), blogging, while the lady who came after me probably have more important things to do with it. I'm now separated from my mother, who knows the way home and is somewhere, and I can't find the bus stop for 271—the bus that would take me directly home.

How did I get into this situation: Mother wanted to settle down for lunch (because she was tired) and settled down in this foodcourt in Habor City, while asking me to buy whatever I liked. I told her to decide. She wouldn't, saying that I never decide anything for myself. The place she deciede to sit at had a smoker nearby. Neither of us was really hungry—she just wanted to rest, in truth. I grabed our bags and left the food court. She got angry. 'I bought food this morning and it's your turn to. You never decide anything for yourself. It's just for a little food,' she spitted at me.
'Well, you could've at least told me what you want to eat. I told you what I wanted to eat this morning,' I retorted. She decided to bitch, not respond, and walk ahead.

We passed a store with some stationary. I wanted to see. I called out that I'm going in the store. She didn't respond. I didn't know whether she heard but went in anyways. I got out; she wasn't there. I walked about this and the next building in hope of meeting her. I knew the chances are slim, but why not try.

I walk around a few times, finally decided, 'what the heck. It's 14:30, and there's no point in me trying to search for her. She is irritated to a dangerous level and probably figured that I can get home myself. Besides, she needs to be at our local bank before 17:00 and we have a dinner to attend at 19:30.

I searched for the main bus stop, only to find that 271 doesn't stop there. I wandered back, entered the wrong entrance, and ended up here. I've been here for around 30 minutes now. Dammit, I better start looking for that cursed bus stop. I don't feel like spending more credit (on my octopus card) to take the MTR then K...something. Either way, they're the subway and train.

Yes. My fault that I didn't make sure she heard and to be so stubborn on a matter such as food, while I really don't care what to get for lunch. Yes. Her fault that she got that agitated over me not choosing and to be so stubborn on a matter such as food, while she really doesn't care what to get for lunch.


M.U.S.T. L.E.A.R.N. H.O.W. T.O. D.O. T.H.A.T M.O.D. O.N. P.S.2. A.N.D. A.T. L.E.A.S.T B.U.Y. NarutoNarutimettgame.....

Mood: Confounded. Mildly Frustrated.

MMMAAARG. Better leave o_O;;

OOOH yeah. HK time: Start post 14:48, end post 15:16.

26 July 2004

-THE- HK post. 1 of ?

^^ I'm at a friend's (Michelle's! say Hi!), using her...er, I mean, using her computer. Um. Yeah. That was Charlie commenting on my last entry, wasn't it? I want to make that mod? (runs up to a random person on the street) Do YOOOOOOOOOOOOU know how? O_O (passerby runs away) -_-;;

i really want Narutimett Hero...badly. (craves) I'll definatly buy some bootlegged Japanese PS2 games back *_* MUAHAHAHAAAAA

(Michelle says Im evil.)

22 July 2004

Dangerous Situation! Oiroke (sexy) no Jutsu VS Sasuke!

^^ It's a screenshot from Narutimet Hero. That I got from The Magic Box

Darn it. The more I look at the screenshots, the more I want the game[s]. ><;;

Tidus > Skills > Flee

(points to the side) There's my pretty menu. It doesn't work, and I figured that I really need to know Java to make the drop down menu that I want to make =(

I guess all that's left is the tagboard...

...whose server is down at the moment =
Anyhow, my guess is that this will be the last post for a while. Of course, I'd try to find some internet cafes or the library or a relative or friend's computer, which is even better [to get my weekly NARUTO scanlation fix XD].

(sniff) I must part my computer for three weeks! NUOOOOOO----! X| Three days was okay, but 21 days! Oh I will suffer! Eep. I hope I get to check my email and read fanfics. But I will be strong! I will stay alive by drawing fanfics and writing fanarts and go hunt down fangirl items
and do homework
The power of youth!

Now, please excuse me, for I must go pack for my mission and gather data on digital cameras.

Oh, the NARUTO GBA game Ninjyutsu Zenkai! Saikyou Ninja Dai-Kessyuu is repetitive and stupid, but it's so addictive and fun o_O;;

I want NARUTO: Narutimett Hero/Narutimett Hero 2 quite badly. GASP! And Gekitou Ninja Taisen2 too!! O_O Mostly because one can control Iruka and/or see his moves XD (smacks a sign that says 'DOLPHIN FANGIRL' right in your face) Look!! at the last screenshot and the next page! Are Kaka-kun & Iru-kun teaming up?! XD

Music: Open Up Your Mind - Mirai//Gesoumaden Saiyuki :: nice lyrics ^^


(Sigh of relief) Kakeru.v01 finally shook off most of its bugs! So at least the blog is in a different layout now. I don't know how much of the menu and tagboard I will get done, but I'll definately try to get all the other, extra information on this layout before I go take a plane to a place where I start my shopping spree, even if requires the sacrafication of one 'pad duty'*! >| <--determined face[?]

Er, so K01 will probably twitch around for the next 15 hours or so, but fear not! Gai-sensei is here!

*I looked it up in thesaurus.com! It means sleep! o_O;; Other include 'beddy-bye', 'blanket drill', 'bunk habit', and 'coma'.

21 July 2004

The end and beginning of things.

Today was the last day of Psychology 100 in CSM. Hm..We didn't have class; we only needed to turn in our journal and final. I went to sleep at 02:00, a great improvement! Though I think I write better philosophical ideas when I'm high on endorphins [around 3-5am]. Dr. Fraser is a very cool person both in and out of class.

Labling. Dr. Fraser said that we label everyone. As Amy and I were discussing, what are our labels? I'm having trouble labeling myself. The closest I've got is 'everything nerd with a stash of weirdness' (which Amy commented that it sounds like a squrriel with a stash of acorns). So I wonder, what do others label me? (This is more for interest purposes)

Wow. I talk with Amy about anything and everything. It's...amazing. I can't talk for such a long time (2+ hrs!) to anyone else...

AAARGH! I will not get my weekly Naruto fix for three weeks! NUUUOOOOO! ><;;

I watched the whole 2nd disc of Pirates of the Caribbeans. Whee! (Naruto Fangirl thoughts run astray!)

'...And I saw Johnny [Depp] with is bandana and dredlocks, and I'm like, "Oh crud, I'm going to look like an ice cream. And these guys just look so cool.' - Jack Davenport (casts as Commodore James Norrinton) : Pirates of the Caribbean

Ryuusei - TiA//Naruto 6th ending [full vers] :: I don't dislike the song itself—just the fact that it doesn't quite suite the NARUTO theme.

19 July 2004


I found NARUTO login screens from NarutoChaos.com! Too bad there weren't any Irukas = 
I found NARUTO WinAmp Skins! They're not that good though...and it's hard to find them...
I found the NARUTO GBA games from NarutoChaos.com! Yay! Since Razu would not tell where she got hers, I found them! MUAHAHA!
Q: What do you think of NARUTO ch224?
A: WAAAAAAAAH! Kishimoto-sensei is evil! (points to last page of NARUTO chapter 224) W...what do you mean by that?! (sobs) But then again, my speculation on Itachi is correct. He really loves his little brother ^^ Is that why Sasuke distances himself from everybody? So he doesn't have to do what Itachi said he needs to do in order to aquire the Mangekyou Sharingan? (huggles her make-believe plushies)(adds 'plushies' to her HK shopping list)
Q: What else did you do today?
A: I took a nap from 15:00-18:00, I printed out the final and found that I really need to read the book -_-;;
Q: What happened to you saying you'd finish 2 journal entries and do half of the final today for Psychology?
A: (gulps) Uhh...(points at a random direction) Look! A distraction! (runs away)
'I trust everyone; I just don't trust the devil inside them.' - John Bridger : The Italian Job
Daybreak - Hamasaki Ayumi :: (gasp) Something not NARUTO! Only because I'm re-listening to all my songs in preparations for my 3 weeks of detachment from my life computer.

18 July 2004

Mundane Layout...in the meanwhile

fuck. [hmm? What? No, I do swear much, just not out loud. And yes, I did pick up the habit of more frequent swearing from reading too much fanfiction. ]
From the looks of things, I had coded something wrong without knowing it. It looks like I'll have to experiment with the 'default layout', play around with it, before my own will actually work.  Which, if I may add, is something I have NO TIME FOR. (whines)
Meanwhile, people who visit gets a mundane layout—clean, perfect, and common. (screeches)

I'm too...depressed and/or disturbed to find a quote, even to just type what stupid song I'm currently listening to.

The Bloody Layout of that Cursed cat

ARGH! Bloody layout! (follows such with a string of obscenities never known to man)
Does Blogger not recognize some of the CSS or something? K01, which I had (and still am) toiled through looks so messed up!
Damn it.
FINE! Be poopy like that! I give up! I'm going to go watch Lost in Translations!

14 July 2004

Syaoran's Birthday

Wow. so it's almost 550 on the counter...so I'm guessing no one got 500? =D

o_O;; no wonder I thought, "July 14...feels like I forgot something...' this morning. It's Li, Syaoran's birthday ^^;; He made appearences in Card Captor Sakura and Tsubasa.

I finally figured out a way to code my blog so it won't mess up in Mozilla or IE, 800 or 1024! Now if only I can finish the extra credit so I can get on with the pop-up menu...

13 July 2004


Oh, no, not me. Wait. It is me...but not. It's my social identity 'Barbie'*, and I gave her hair implantations, so now she has black hair instead of brown! Look! Look! She's me! But she's uglier! Honestly! More tomorrow, as I'd have to get it done then.

ORANGE FLEECE! Jo-Ann! Buy cloth!

Now I will be back to doing other extra credit assignments...

12 July 2004

Aw pooh! Netscape 7.1 works even less than Mozilla! And Netscape 7.1 doesn't show most of my blog!

11 July 2004

Damn it. I got the basics of Kakeru V01 done with CSS. Then I read Charlie's Xanga about how IE sucks on security. So I downloaded firefox. There I also read how he changed his menu bars and such, but I've already figured it out this morning, from the same site, xpthemes.org. Haha. (bah, Links later) I tried my CSS's with Mozilla's Firefox. The positioning that I've been paining to get right was one of the ones that didn't goddam work. Looks like I'll have to try it on Netscape. Dammit, why can't stupid Microsoft just stop being a stuck up and actually do some debugging on IE?

Yes, I'm furious.

Oh, I finished Razu's pic, colored it, and sent it to her. She liked it, though in my opining it's crap.

Amy got a PS2 with Offroad Fury2 with Dynasty Warriors 3...Hmm I wonder if it's good.

And it looks like I'm going to have to redo all of the Menu graphics because of the stupid positionings [even resort to tables...gah, yeah, I'll have to resort to those confusing tables]. And never forget that I'll have to work my bottom off for extra credit in Psychology this week.

And I'm pretty sure I'm having physiologic problems because I'd wake up cheery, without an alarm clock, after getting 6 hours of sleep and lie in bed, with an attempt to destroy the alarm clock, after gettin 10+ hours of sleep.


Well...at least we rented Tokyo Godfathers & X: the movie from Blockbusters today. Tokyo Godfathers was good ^^ Hana-san the queer was...scary, but hillarious. The whole movie, in general, was.

I'm hating this. I'm annoyed at life because I am not using time to their best advantage, and as a result I want to blame everything on not having enough time. I like to take my time and not rush though the things I like to do...and not being able to do that [or doing such and get 'punished' for it] makes me frustrated.

It's too early for my period, I think...I certainly hope it is.

I have 2300+ mp3s. Probably more if I unzip all my albums.

10 July 2004

EWWW! I don't like the new NARUTO ending! (points at the screen mad Naruto style) And who's that girl in pigtails? Is that Ten Ten?! o__O The new ending, Ryuusei, or Shooting Star, by TiA, is, for the love of Iruka, Pop! [Whoa! Look at all those one-worded phrases!] That's just completely non-NARUTO style. I accept One Piece with pop music because it's that style—quick paced, chaotic, and light-hearted. Silly, even. But NARUTO with pop is just...unfitting. At least Harmonia [NARUTO 2nd ending] was a Sakura-style ending. While how they sketched Sakura, Ten Ten, Ino, and Hinata for the ending was cool, Hinata looked a bit demented. And I guess someone had to let their inner Jiraiya out, considering they were all in swimsuits, LoL. The ending clip [minus the music, which I'm kinda loathing at the moment] went fine until the last few seconds. They just pieced the four pictures together. How original can they get? As anyone can probably tell, I'm highly dissapointed. ARGH! NARUTO is not a poppy anime!

COMPLAINS ABOUT THIS EPISODE: Tsunade's hand, the first time we see her holding cards, looks bloated and abnormal. Naruto's fist's, when it's right in front of 'the camera' and under the table, looks unnatural.

Anyhow, the opening was cool. A few things were changed in the opening, revealing some things, like Tsunade and Shizune, that would've been spoilers. I love how they changed just a little stuff. Now Jiraiya is gawking at Tsunade instead of Kurenai! Now all the Konoha kunoichi's [who have actual roles] are present and in kimono's! (sweat) Is that Tsunade trying to look seducive? Kyaa! Naruto looks cute right before he thrustkicked Jiraiya off the screen! [oooh, look at the FFX influence...] Another worth noting is how Naruto's fist turned into that famous Rasengan ^^

(huggles Chibi Sasuke) Aw, how cuute! So he still lives in his old house...(as referenced from ch 223 and the first shot of his room. That brat has a TV in his room! So maybe he does watch sopa operas in his free time...he really looks cute when he looks vulnerable...o_O (PCBY you sadist pervert!) and Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu at 6, impressive...Chuunin-leveled Chakra @ 6... Pooh how Sasuke's noticed just because Itachi is going bad. But then Shoutei's, a NARUTO fanfic, explaination on Itachi's actions only made more sense. I wonder what happened to Itachi's Sharingan...On page 23, Sasuke seems kinda tall for his age if it's the same bed as 6 years later, is it not?

As fans have been saying...the Uchiha brothers take after their mother ^^

Whee! I figured out how to draw hands hold chopsticks without looking like it's holding a pen! Maybe it should draw it a bit rougher...it looks like my hand right now. As much as I like 'Ruka, he's still a ninja ^^ (A stadium of people screams that they don't mind, because they love their Iru-chan) (PCBY sweatdrops) Err...

Well, that was a long NARUTO rant, wasn't it?

'I have to do it, otouto. Otherwise you will be nothing more than a pawn in their games. Your life will be dictated down to the very last moment by the clan...One day, you will search for power. It will be your downfall, but that is your destiny.' - Uchiha Itachi : Shoutei//NARUTO fanfiction by Geno Calamari.

Away from me - Evanescence

kunoichi: female ninja
Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu: Fire element, Fire ball no Jutsu. The specialty of the Uchiha clan.
'Ruka: = Iru-chan = Iruka

09 July 2004

Yes, I abandoned my blog for the week, only because I felt obligated to give a detailed account of my camping trip...but never wanted to get started to type it all up. But I found something highly amusing to my burnt brain, and I recommand it to everyone. Rest assured, it's not a virus, and it will not kill your computer and any shape or form. It might eat your brain though.


I'm learning CSS!

Waah! I'm 5002 on hoho's fandom! Only two off...

As for Razu's Iru, I'm stuck on his hand! How come it always look like he's holding a pen instead of chopsticks?! (cries)

05 July 2004

Finally back from camping. Got back around 20 mins ago [was playing with Byakko (hearts)]. There will be a more detailed account later, for I've even got journal entries from this weekend. It was a fun, and though I've been to Yosemite a few times before, I've never been to the trails until this time. Usually it's the village that we go to, as day trips. Heh. I took a ton of pictures. My shoulder blades and theighs are a bit sore though o__O;;

By the way, I'm 502 so someone has 500!! ^^ Waai--contact me!

Damn. I still have so much 'yearbook entries' and 'lucky hit requests' to fill..But at least I have Razu's Iru all drafted. All I have to do is ink and scan and refine lines and...perhaps roughly color...? Also my CSS book from half-ebay has been shipped, and it'll probably arrive anytime this week (heart) So pray for me to get the new Kakeru layout finish by this weekend!

Also, I've decided to use my Iru pic that my ma rejected for my Sancta site...the blog is already my cat anyways. I really do need to draw/sketch more...

And how come I can't write with the hype and enthusiasm Shiro does? o_O;;


Music: Morning - Masuda Toshiro//NARUTO

02 July 2004

Shirohane (fanfic author): Ufufu. Sasurin, Oniichan is not a bad person. Follow Oniichan and Oniichan will buy you a candy!
Sasuke: …Get away from me before I kill you (or worse, tell on my big brother), you perverted ossan(!!!)…

(PCBY laughes her head off) I love Shiro's writings. He's damn funny. By the way, he's in his late-teens, early twenties. Nowhere near being an ossan, LoL.

Oh, no, I haven't been working on neither the blog nor website, and I'll be gone to a forest for the weekend. (waves good-bye)

Also, I managed to change the lucky hit number at 492 hits, LoL. now it says 500!

"On a side note, it seems Korean pronounciation for 'sharingan' is 'sa ryun an'. That's... that's so cool! Waaaa!!! [kira kira]" - Shirohane, and I quote him exactly, even the sparkley things, from Chapter 6 of Ookami to Kitsune no Monogatari.

Oniichan: Big brother. Used to talk to little kids because of the -chan suffix.
Ossan: Short for Oji-san, which means 'uncle'. Usually used for middle-aged men.