21 July 2004

The end and beginning of things.

Today was the last day of Psychology 100 in CSM. Hm..We didn't have class; we only needed to turn in our journal and final. I went to sleep at 02:00, a great improvement! Though I think I write better philosophical ideas when I'm high on endorphins [around 3-5am]. Dr. Fraser is a very cool person both in and out of class.

Labling. Dr. Fraser said that we label everyone. As Amy and I were discussing, what are our labels? I'm having trouble labeling myself. The closest I've got is 'everything nerd with a stash of weirdness' (which Amy commented that it sounds like a squrriel with a stash of acorns). So I wonder, what do others label me? (This is more for interest purposes)

Wow. I talk with Amy about anything and everything. It's...amazing. I can't talk for such a long time (2+ hrs!) to anyone else...

AAARGH! I will not get my weekly Naruto fix for three weeks! NUUUOOOOO! ><;;

I watched the whole 2nd disc of Pirates of the Caribbeans. Whee! (Naruto Fangirl thoughts run astray!)

'...And I saw Johnny [Depp] with is bandana and dredlocks, and I'm like, "Oh crud, I'm going to look like an ice cream. And these guys just look so cool.' - Jack Davenport (casts as Commodore James Norrinton) : Pirates of the Caribbean

Ryuusei - TiA//Naruto 6th ending [full vers] :: I don't dislike the song itself—just the fact that it doesn't quite suite the NARUTO theme.

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