28 July 2004

Seperated and Quite Stranded (HK of ?)

Okay. So now I'm at "Star Computer City", using their free internet service (waited 15 minutes for my turn), blogging, while the lady who came after me probably have more important things to do with it. I'm now separated from my mother, who knows the way home and is somewhere, and I can't find the bus stop for 271—the bus that would take me directly home.

How did I get into this situation: Mother wanted to settle down for lunch (because she was tired) and settled down in this foodcourt in Habor City, while asking me to buy whatever I liked. I told her to decide. She wouldn't, saying that I never decide anything for myself. The place she deciede to sit at had a smoker nearby. Neither of us was really hungry—she just wanted to rest, in truth. I grabed our bags and left the food court. She got angry. 'I bought food this morning and it's your turn to. You never decide anything for yourself. It's just for a little food,' she spitted at me.
'Well, you could've at least told me what you want to eat. I told you what I wanted to eat this morning,' I retorted. She decided to bitch, not respond, and walk ahead.

We passed a store with some stationary. I wanted to see. I called out that I'm going in the store. She didn't respond. I didn't know whether she heard but went in anyways. I got out; she wasn't there. I walked about this and the next building in hope of meeting her. I knew the chances are slim, but why not try.

I walk around a few times, finally decided, 'what the heck. It's 14:30, and there's no point in me trying to search for her. She is irritated to a dangerous level and probably figured that I can get home myself. Besides, she needs to be at our local bank before 17:00 and we have a dinner to attend at 19:30.

I searched for the main bus stop, only to find that 271 doesn't stop there. I wandered back, entered the wrong entrance, and ended up here. I've been here for around 30 minutes now. Dammit, I better start looking for that cursed bus stop. I don't feel like spending more credit (on my octopus card) to take the MTR then K...something. Either way, they're the subway and train.

Yes. My fault that I didn't make sure she heard and to be so stubborn on a matter such as food, while I really don't care what to get for lunch. Yes. Her fault that she got that agitated over me not choosing and to be so stubborn on a matter such as food, while she really doesn't care what to get for lunch.


M.U.S.T. L.E.A.R.N. H.O.W. T.O. D.O. T.H.A.T M.O.D. O.N. P.S.2. A.N.D. A.T. L.E.A.S.T B.U.Y. NarutoNarutimettgame.....

Mood: Confounded. Mildly Frustrated.

MMMAAARG. Better leave o_O;;

OOOH yeah. HK time: Start post 14:48, end post 15:16.


  1. Anonymous1.8.04

    It's like HK... and the MTR gets you pretty much anywhere... That sounded awfully like joy luck club

  2. Anonymous2.8.04

    Nyaa..? Too lazy to read it =P I just know it's about HK...

    Narutimett Hero gets boring after a while... playing Spiderman 2! =P Naruto 93-94... whatever this week is.. is VERY COOOL... Naruto does rasengan to Kabuto! yay
