19 July 2004


I found NARUTO login screens from NarutoChaos.com! Too bad there weren't any Irukas = 
I found NARUTO WinAmp Skins! They're not that good though...and it's hard to find them...
I found the NARUTO GBA games from NarutoChaos.com! Yay! Since Razu would not tell where she got hers, I found them! MUAHAHA!
Q: What do you think of NARUTO ch224?
A: WAAAAAAAAH! Kishimoto-sensei is evil! (points to last page of NARUTO chapter 224) W...what do you mean by that?! (sobs) But then again, my speculation on Itachi is correct. He really loves his little brother ^^ Is that why Sasuke distances himself from everybody? So he doesn't have to do what Itachi said he needs to do in order to aquire the Mangekyou Sharingan? (huggles her make-believe plushies)(adds 'plushies' to her HK shopping list)
Q: What else did you do today?
A: I took a nap from 15:00-18:00, I printed out the final and found that I really need to read the book -_-;;
Q: What happened to you saying you'd finish 2 journal entries and do half of the final today for Psychology?
A: (gulps) Uhh...(points at a random direction) Look! A distraction! (runs away)
'I trust everyone; I just don't trust the devil inside them.' - John Bridger : The Italian Job
Daybreak - Hamasaki Ayumi :: (gasp) Something not NARUTO! Only because I'm re-listening to all my songs in preparations for my 3 weeks of detachment from my life computer.

1 comment:

  1. WHEEE! It's the Blogger commenting function!
