27 August 2004

2 Interesting Happenings on This Particular Friday.

Goo! I clicked on an Author Alert [and hummed "Going Under" by Evanesence for no reason], when to bathroom, came back, started reading the fic, and a paragraph down was part of the lyrics to Going Under. How Weird! ^^ I cross my heart to swear that I did not know the fic was going to use that song in any way.

Earlier I walked home with Amy, and on the way home she discovered a newly moved store, the AACP on third, [from downtown] right before Jack-In-The-Box. They have books on Asian culture and Asian American works. Interesting, eh?

One more little thing. You know what's amusing? A NARUTO Anime Music Video using Crawling by Linkin Park...featuring Aburame Shino.

Um..Ep 98 [yes, I gave in to the temptation of the new episode and downloaded the Anime-Heaven version -_-;;] wasn't quite as such in the manga, but honestly I like it better; it goes over some of the gaps. Poor Naruto, wanting to talk to Sasuke but was hogged by Sakura...(points) look how left alone he felt! Heh, Sasuke looks cute when he's half awake though. As I believe I've said before, Sasuke looks the cutest when he looks vulnerable—just makes me wanna glomp and cuddle him~!

Maa..with the appearences of...I think all of...my favorite characters (Iru, Kaka, Sasu, Naru, Shika, Lee), it's great to see that there are some breaks to the fight scenes. Especially Iru made an appearence! (Glomps Iru)('ne ne, how have your missions been? Was it hard after teaching for so long? ^^') WAAi~

And ch 228, it has been made clear, will be the beginning of tens of chapters of fight scenes. As much as I do not enjoy them as much as PLOT, such as Sasuke's past, etc, I don't hope that Kakashi doesn't get to them so soon. But then again, why not. The flashback of Naru-chan & Sasu-chan was cute—um...yeah....(huggles) You are adorable!

Alright, I'll stop my fangirl blabbling until I can get my hands on ch 288 raws. I read the JoJoHot Chinese version and will download the Inane English version when it's released.

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