29 August 2004

It's Post 228— the same number as this week's NARUTO! [All I See and Know are Pained Eyes]

Venus's Itachi looked a bit funny on my tracing, so I erased his whole head [in parts], and now I'm having trouble drawing back those indifferent, emotion-void [and too big] eyes that I erased. Them eyes all seem to be sad, in pain, or hiding some emotion today ><;;;

Er, I meant that I'm doing my History Attitude Inventory Essay right now oO;;;

Ah, sorry for the lack of a counter in the past few days; the site in which my counter links to was down to change servers. Hmm...Now if only I can figure out where to put my tagboard...

「...サスケ...お前〔まえ〕 がいつも一人のは知〔し〕 ってた...オレは...最初〔さいしょ〕 、自分〔じぶん〕 と同〔おな〕 じような奴〔やつ〕 がいるって分かって、安心〔あんしん〕 したんだ。それに、嬉〔うれ〕 しかった。ホントはすぐに話〔はな〕 しかけたかったんだ...けど...声〔こえ〕 をかけらんなかったんだってばよ。」
'...Sasuke...I knew you were always alone...I...had first thought you were a guy, different, like me, and I was content. Also, I was happy. The truth is, I wanted to talk to you...But...you didn't speak.' - Naruto : NARUTO ch 227 I didn't know exactly what 「ホントはすぐに話しかけたかったんだ...けど...声をかけらんなかったんだってばよ。」 meant, so had to reference from Inane's version...=\

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