26 August 2004

Week 1. Mode: Dead.

Um..don't mind the title. I have no idea where it came from or what it implies.

Anyhow, the first week has been quite busy. I actually got my 'due-tomorrow' homework before 22:00. Yay! My life is really getting back on track! But then, I still have all those stuff due Monday.. X___<;; This will be a hard year, especially with my obsessions and hobbies combined, and I'm afraid I won't be getting much 8-hr sleep on schooldays. (Look! it's almost 00:00 although I got my homework done 2.5 hours ago!)

On another note, my class schedule is frighteningly like last year's. Non-bold is last year's schedule.
1° AP Bio - English 3-4H [switch with 2nd period b'c AP Bio has to be 1st period]
2° English 5-6H - Physics 1-2 [switch with 1st period b'c AP Bio has to be 1st period]
3° Art 1-2 - Self Guided PE [electives]
4° Calculus AP - Pre-Calc [should be obvious enough]
5° Japanese 7-8H - Japanese 5-6 [should be obvious enough]
6° AP US Hist - US Hist [should be obvious enough]

Ne, would people please leave their name at the end of a post if you don't have blogger? it's quite annoying to reply using 'Anonymous-san*'...

Anyways, I was happy when I got those comments ><;; It's such a dorky response, but I can't help it!

Tomorrow's picture day. Don't buy pictures but I must wear something nicer for my student ID. ><;;

'Wasn’t the moron supposedly undergoing puberty or something?! So why the hell did he still sound like a damsel in distress on crack?!' - Sasuke : NARUTO fanfic by purrfectly679 (ROFL) I was going to post a Dictionary.com word of the day, fungible, but this got the better of me.

Music: 世界に一つだけの花 Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana (The only flower in the world) - 12 Girls Band Vers.

Anonymous 1: I'm not REFUSING to post my cat pictures; I just need a place to put them!

Anonymous 2 & 3: I'm actually guessing number 1, 2, and 3 are the same person, considering their post times are quite close together, but since they are on different days...Ah, yes, thanks ><;; I'm not sure if I'm smart to pull a grade that much higher though, considering my shameful grammar....

*-san: Japanese suffix, English equivelant of Ms., Mr., & Mrs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous31.8.04

    Yeah, it seems I'm the one who posts most frequently. If webspace is the trouble, email me the pictures and I'll upload them. Or maybe just keep them for myself to look at. :)

    Oh, and if you couldn't tell, this is Larry, because who else ever asks to see pictures of your cat?
