27 November 2004

'this is how i feel...'

'this is how i feel. this is how i feel in terms of how i feel about how i'm not saying how i feel because i feel that i'm not able to say how i feel!'
Incredibly confusing but awesome, as taken from Amy's DeadJournal On 20041122.

In that entry she also asked to pick one sense to give up...One year ago I would've said smell...But I realized that taste is useless without smell, as taste was my first to keep. Not seeing would be difficult, just as touch is essential. I love colors and not dropping things too much. Last is giving up sound. It seems to be my last priority and logically, I should pick the said sense as my choice, but though our world is overflowing with noise and ugly sounds, it is the fastest way of communicating and the world will be much more unfeeling without sound...And music...

So, what would others choose? [To gather information for Amy ^^]

Edit, about 15 seconds after initial post: Upon reading some of the Xanga entrees, a recurring thought popped into my head: So many people post for and to an audience, almost as if they expect someone to read their entrees!

Edit, about 180 seconds after second post: But then again, Xanga has this 'prop' system, as I was reminded by Gabocow's Thanksgiving Entry [or more specificly, his random question], which promotes censoring of personal, radical opinions...what DO the eProps do other than site promotion...which is only supporting, glorifying, and advertising conformity anyways?!

'this is how i feel. this is how i feel in terms of how i feel about how i'm not saying how i feel because i feel that i'm not able to say how i feel!' - Amy's DeadJournal : Entry 20041122


  1. So...you're saying you don't expect anyone to read this? How idealistic (pessimistic?) of you.

    I'd give up smell. It's only about half of taste anyway, and often the worse half.
    And plus lots of homeless people smell like urine or cheap booze.

  2. :D

    LoL, thanks. i'm glad you agree... and i had pretty much the same feelings as you did in regard to choosing... Sound's not just for communication, though. i just feel that music is an incredibly moving part of my life. i could never live without music. :(

    So... that's one clue to eliminating the senses to find out which one i'd choose. Another is.. it wouldn't be smell. Remember in psychology, how smell is intensely linked to memory? How many times have you smelled something familiar and it reminded you of something? Can't go without smell...



    P.S. OH AND ROFL.. Yeah.. Touch.. oh. i'm giving too many away. Hahaha, i'll tell you later. xD

  3. So that means my first comment was <3 minutes after you posted? Scary.
    Eprops don't do anything. Not even site promotion. having more or less eprops doesn't change anything other than the little number that says how many you have.

    Your background link was...not extremely useful.

  4. Mainstream teenagers try to be nonconformist, I thought? Its just that everybody tries in the same way and it ends up being even worse, but thats not realy anyone's fault.
    And what to teenagers have to know about politics? It's not like they can vote anyway.
