14 July 2005

Day 1: PanYu Polytechnic

Currently in PanYu Polytechnic...Using their English media center. Umm. Hot and humid here, though it's not as intolerable as I thought. Other people think otherwise, though.

Yay. Got a phone card and have about 35 minutes. Will call people, methinks.

AArgh. I'm writing to an audience..BAD BERNICE!

(Local time 10:17am)


  1. Never heard of it. Must be small/new/bad.

  2. Why would you have heard of it? Since when should you have heard of it?

    But yeah, i haven't heard of it either... Last year, we went to SCUT... South China University of Technology, i think... All we got was a speech and exploration of archives, though... OH WAIT, the paper mill place or whatever... It was all good fun.

    Let me know all about your adventures, remember?! Though you in all probability won't read this until you get back...

  3. Because it's a school. If it were famous, I would have heard of it. If I named a country, a reasonable response from a random person would be "Oh, I've never heard of that, it must be small/new/unimportant." This is analogous.

    You got more than me. I went to Xinhua and Beida and all I did was walk around and take pictures. I guess the elite schools don't need any PR.

    I agree, if you're going to take hundreds and hundreds of pictures that means you've agreed in advance to share, one person can't possibly look through that many herself and enjoy them all fully.

  4. Okay, i see, i see... xP

    Hmm, "all we got" is pretty improper of me to say, i guess, though... Because it was actually a lot more than what i mentioned so casually and it was rather fun... For me, anyway. i had a great time, haha.

    LOL true! Share the experience! It's a good way to look back and remember anyway... i am SO waiting for those, literally, "hundreds and hundreds of pictures."

  5. My counterpart on the other side of the world would indeed have heard of Stanford. I didn't say it was small, new, or bad, because average person on the street doesn't know about it, but because I don't.

    Ok time to turn my modesty back on.

  6. Yes, I'm certain that you do university research on all the big/old/good colleges in the world, Larry. (/sarcasm)

    I'll be typing up the stuff I've written over the days when I get to it...But it was fun for the most part...

  7. More like all the big/old/good universities in the world do famous research.
