31 May 2005

Happy Belated Birthday, Kakeru!

Out of all the excitement stress, I had completely forgotten about the 2nd Anniversary of Kakeru's opening~ Haha, I had a dumb first post.

Anyways. I will get working another layout or fix the defective menu this summer. Absolutely.

(And what horrible grammar my Blog name is has...)

FEAR THE NINJA!!!!111!!!1one11eleven!!

(More angst and gushing later. So sit tight. But for now...)

I just saw the Cartoon Network NARUTO preview (from narutofan.com...ask if you really want to see the preview). Apparently, NaRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUto is supposed to be feared by his classmates while wanting to be the HEAD NINJA. FOR CENTURIES there were peace, and a legend says that an evil spirit is trapped within a young boy...AND SCHOOL IS TOUGH. Oh, no, they hadn't graduated...and "everyone's a bully..."


Now I finally truely understand why we screamed 'screw cartoon network' when we were taking the NARUTO group photo in FanimeCon...haha.

I thought they couldn't screw up Naruto's name too badly since Naruto is sometimes pronounced with a long u, but the announcer outdid my imagination.


27 May 2005


The topic seems like some HunterxHunter episode name.

I: the way my mother talks to me then completely turns into a different person when talking to my cat disgusts me.
I: (i know it's because I demand attention, but i don't care. at least i want to have the utmost care and attention from one person.)
I: i should be talking on the blog instead
Amy: LoL if you want :)
Amy: i'm still here. waiting for brother to finish what he's doing :)
I: heh.
Amy: but yeah, i think i kinda know where you're coming from... parents are strange creatures TT;
Amy: ... i want my keys back. :[
I: i don't know...both have been weird lately...unfriendly atmosphere, as if.
I: aw
I: (pat pat)
Amy: i could very sneakily probably take them back now but eh i guess i won't.
Amy: LoL thanks
Amy: hm? both your parents to you?
I: everyone to everyone.
Amy: or each other? or EVERYONE? LoL
Amy: ahh
I: ex me to grandma and vice versa
Amy: all that time of the month?
Amy: *nod*
I: LoL. include grandma AND father?!
Amy: hehehehe
Amy: ^^
I: and i'm too friggin tense and worried and tired to confront them to it.
I: I need to yell at them though.
Amy: :(

Yeah. Fuck. I don't know what happened to our goddamn relationships between family members. First there's this thing with Father and Grandmother. F (Father) dislikes G (Grandmother) because she isn't acting in her most active, aware self, G is not happy here because of the attitude F gives her (however F says that G's giving attitude to F, this is what I saw and infer with my own eyes) and because our food is not salty enough (G thinks F is doing this on purpose). F has been on a bad mood for quite some time and hasn't quite recovered to his usual self. It fluctuates from bad to worse. F is impatient towards G, I (B) yells at F, F says it's because he doesn't care anymore. I don't like his 'not caring' if it also means bad attitude. Mother (M) and F argued over something this morning, but when B asked F (in an objective vioce, no less), F told B to ask M. Why won't F just give B a fucking straight answer?! He has been doing that quite a lot lately. Maybe it's the prostate thing Ms.Ward talked about. But I think F is still too young for that. Close, but still not quite, I would like to believe.

F & B's relationships have been tense since she got a 1970 in SAT I. No, it went further than that, but I don't feel like digging up old stuff again. BTW, B got 2040 the second time. Dropped 30 in writing (but same essay score), raised 60 and 40 on Critical Reading and Math respectively. B has been on edge and stressed (though talking to her or seeing her would not tell you that she is) and frigging tired since forever, and especially so during this last week or so. AP projects, apparently. Her hand has been shaking more these days too, plainly visible now. It frightens her. So B has been on edge, and had barely been able to control herself from swearing in flying colors to M & F. There were times when B wants to scream at G for bothering her at the worst possible moments too, but not nearly as often as the other case. B, in her little self-centered world, is thinking that her parents are caring less...but caring more. Less on her friggin useless feelings and stress and emotional fluctuations (it's always B's fault anyways) and more on her SAT failures. Just this one year, spend time to do more math is what M hangs on her mouth whenever B begins to talk about her more colorful times, usually not school related, AND GODDAMN IT, DOES SHE WANT B TO SAY HOW BLOODY STRESSFUL IS IT TO DEAL WITH SCHOOL AND CLUBS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AND HOBBIES AT THE SAME FRIGGIN TIME AND STILL EXCELL IN EVERYTHING?! B is not a genius, nor is she obsessed with academics, nor is she hard working. And she wants to beg F & M to stop thinking their daughter is able to do all that and still get all As and not to nag her, but it will break her heart to say that. Really, B doesn't want F & M to worry. She hates to worry people.

It's getting late, and B still has things to do. B wants to rant more and vent her anger and frustration and stress and everything that she has been bottling up and smiling, grinning, joking, laughing through out. OUT.

B wants to cry and scream.

22 May 2005

Insulted by Bias

"Will girls imitate the new, kickass heroines in the Japanese anime Cardcaptors?"

Wow. I feel personally insulted. As much as I loath the dubs, CCS is definately not one of the 'violent media' that can be paralleled with Doom. A bit forced, I'd say. Wow. Sometimes I wonder if the articles are written not based on the author's belief, but by the need of having some opposition articles on there.

■ Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center -- Viewpoint Display: "Will girls imitate the new, kickass heroines in the Japanese anime Cardcaptors?"

21 May 2005

"It reeks of failure!"

I failed the library aide exam.

18 May 2005

Awards Ceremony

Um. yeah. spent 2.5 hours after school sitting in a hot, stuffy room with stage lights shining on us the whole time. There are amazing people getting prizes/awards/scholarships...

[yesterday afterschool]
skipped robotics,
went home,
started essay/organize reserach,
kept getting distracted,
worked on essay until 6am,
slept 2 hours,
didn't wake 1 hr early to finish,
school (on braindead mode),
went home,
added stuff to essay (2 full pages short),
does biblio (lost info/source for a major source from ref book),
scream yell because panicking and Father's useful advice made me panick more,
mental grief and tears,
out to McGlashan house,
didn't have topic selection form,
went back,
almost gave up before Father made me find it again,
branded an useless idiot,
speeded to get to McGlashan's,
found the pile of essays at doorstep though the clock said 5:35,
"see why you don't give up?"
to Hillsdale and beyond,
in a small, shameful vioce, "where are we going?"
"it's okay. because I need to change
I don't know what to wear,"
pulled up Marina,
bought food,
went home while Father pulls out to pick up Mother,
changes out of casualwear (which I have been warned to stay away from),
Mother comes back,
frantically eat,
brought a bowlful to eat in car,
arrive at school,
not liking having to tuck in a shirt that is not designed to be tucked in,
sits with Tiffany,
(some were not warned against casual attire?)
whispers a prediction of winner,
my name was spoken and I get up to the front,
Doyle hands me a black gift with red ribbons and says, "so you're now gonna join my AP Physics class?"
I laugh,
amused at the "attempt to round me into AP Phys (which Father was against),
more names and wows and claps,
"you too"
repeated a few times,
food, fruits,
unwraps the black to find a Made in China clock from "Made In Taiwan" Club with my name engraved,
ate Marina food,
sits in front of computer,
utterly tired and wants sleep,
types this,
complains from Grandmother about how I should take a shower,
go to sleep
(because she knows the excess of sleep I got last night)
how I used to be such a good child,
i didn't respond,
wanting to finish this,
so I can shower,
not do homework
(too tired to remember any homework anyway)
(too tired to do any homework anyway)

An attempt to keep things simple because typing full sentences are beyond my range after writing [8 - 2] pages within twenty-four hours?

16 May 2005

Fwd: Even God Likes A Good Laugh

A little something I got from Mother. Horrible generalizations, but the last bit is kinda funny:

Even God likes a good laugh

There were 3 good arguments that Jesus could have been Black:
1 He called everyone "brother"
2. He liked Gospel
3. He couldn't get a fair trial.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:
1. He went into His Fathers business.
2. He lived at home until he was 33.
3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his mother was sure he was God.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus could have been Italian:
1. He talked with his hands.
2. He had wine with every meal.
3. He used olive oil.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus could have been a Californian:
1. He never cut his hair.
2. He walked around barefoot all the time.
3. He started a new religion.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus could have been Irish:
1. He never got married.
2. He was always telling stories.
3. He loved green pastures.

But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus could have been a woman:
1. He fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was no food.
2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it.
3. And even when he was dead, He had to get up because there was more work to do.

14 May 2005

AragonRobotics Sponsor Appreciation Party.

Oh what will we do next year when Al will be gone?! I'm way too inconsiderate to do plan something as such. I barely got the sponsor gifts planned and almost wasted $8 on color copies in Kinkos (Which is scarring me to the point of never wanting to do color copies again)!! The party went smoothly though, despite the absences of key(!!) speakers...

...And I was complimented on the iARTing of members. Eh, of course I was all humble-like and gave much credit to people who helped, but I was actually squealing and giggling in joy inside, haha. YAY! People appreciate my hard work!!

I hope I will be able to manage such planning next year o___O;;;;;;;

A Tablet And A Mountain of Projects

Father bought me a tablet from HK. The drawing area is 5"x3.75", and has good specs. Father said it's a newer kind and not as expensive as the brand names like WACOM. I love it. Last night (this morning?) I used it to draw another deviant ID. Some people say tablets are hard to control, but I don't find it true—perhaps the iART training helped.

(I'm tired from reading reference books in the Library earlier.)

Bio- Children's book. Due: 5-16, 5-18, 5-20, 5-24, 5-26
History- 8-pg report/essay. Due: 5-18
English- Debate. On: 23

09 May 2005

Temporary Fleeing The AP Cage To Watch Kitchen Utilities Demonstration.

So this is it. Done with AP testing for the year. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I'll still have annoying English stuffs, but other than that, the rest of the year seem to look fairly easy. Let's have a recap:

Monday, May 2: English Language and Composition
To say English is not my best subject is an understatement. It's my worst. Um, simply speaking, I think I only got a 2. (That is assuming that my English is not so horrible that I only get a 1...which may be possible...) The essays were horrible, really. Average 4 for each essay, probably.

Tuesday, May 3: Calculus
I went in the room with a little of something people call confidence. I didn't think the multiple choice sections were that difficult, but then again, I tend to get many wrong anyways. I guess getting a 5 on the Practice AP stopped me from freaking out. (Though the one after school on Thursday of the week before was O__O;;) There were a few strange ones on the free-response that I don't think I got right, but overall, it was ok. I hope for a 5, but really won't be so shocked if I get a 4. Hey, at least I can spin graphs along an axis and stuff well.

Friday, May 6: U.S. History
Oh. Woe. I didn't study for this one. I was trying to get my 2-week overdue English Essay done (which turned out to be utter crap anyways). I would be quite happy and content with a 3. I was dangerously close to falling asleep towards the end of the multiple choice, but Lily's slice of plain wheat bread saved me from the same fate in the essay portion for getting only four hours of sleep. The good thing is, I knew some stuff on the essays. The stupid choices I made on essays can be blamed on the lack of sleep. It's not as utterly and hopelessly trashy as the English one though. I actually have some hope for this one.

Saturday, May 7: SAT Reasoning Test (formerly SAT I)
It was easier than the last one in April. Maybe the preceeding AP tests only made this one seem easier by compareson. Still, I think I did better than the last SAT. The proctor was a pain (arriving late, taking step-by-step instructions veeeeery sloooowly) and made us finish the test at almost 2. The essay seems so similar to the last one...at least, I talked about inventions and innovations on both...or was that the English AP test? I don't know anymore...I saw 'mayo (Yumeo) when I got there, and me 'n Barnie (Arnold) were a few people from being in the same room. The TV in the room was on, and the blackened blank screen said "SAT". Whether it meant "Saturday" or some other on function, I don't know. But I really didn't think that was funny and kept hearing high-pitched noises from it, disturbing me. (The high-frequency, not quite hearable noise that TVs make, you know?)

Monday, May 9: Biology
It's D-Day! Um. It was okay. Harder than the Practice exam but managable. It could've been easier...there were so many plant stuff. I liked the animal classification stuff better. Hoping for a 5 because I had a solid five in the Prac. I was actually nervous about this one last night. (Thus sprouted a heartfelt conversation with my mother, on Mother's Day, no less, that is something on my "to be blogged" list) we got out twenty minutes before the lunch bell rang and Ms. Ward treated us with self-serve sandwiches~ (thus I didn't eat my lunch until now) Ah, and I conversed with Meiko before the test because we arrived that the same time.

5 four-hour tests in eight days. Mother said it's like the final exams in Hong Kong. Ahh, so tired. I'm going to miss those two do-nothing days (because even if Japanese still goes on as normal, it's not really a class)...

I must post this (これをポストをしてはいけませんかない...EW I sounded like HUNTER-sensei...):

■ 第60屆日本超級變變變:#25

This is so silly. The order of tools are as followed: Daikon slicer, Chopping Knife, mincer, egg slicer, Undon roller, juice squeezer?, sunny-side-up egg, sweetened egg, steam cage?, and those things that make things into powder...


And oh, a related FedEx Commercial:
■ Relax, it's FedEx

07 May 2005

Smith College plus Sexual Preference

Regarding Amy's post yesterday:

Most of us are bisexual to some degree, whether it's appreciating/looking up to the same sex or whatnot, it's still bisexuality, isn't it? So perhaps Being with the same gender for such a long period of time just allow them to discover and express the love and appreciation that is usually dominated by the bisexual social pressure. That, and perhaps there's just an intimacy in that...

But what do I know anyways?


"I think I have a super-saiyan mode." - Larry, 20050429, Xanga.

I should also find the time to quote some Fafners X3

And I must summarize AP Exams...after the Bio one -_-;;