18 May 2005

Awards Ceremony

Um. yeah. spent 2.5 hours after school sitting in a hot, stuffy room with stage lights shining on us the whole time. There are amazing people getting prizes/awards/scholarships...

[yesterday afterschool]
skipped robotics,
went home,
started essay/organize reserach,
kept getting distracted,
worked on essay until 6am,
slept 2 hours,
didn't wake 1 hr early to finish,
school (on braindead mode),
went home,
added stuff to essay (2 full pages short),
does biblio (lost info/source for a major source from ref book),
scream yell because panicking and Father's useful advice made me panick more,
mental grief and tears,
out to McGlashan house,
didn't have topic selection form,
went back,
almost gave up before Father made me find it again,
branded an useless idiot,
speeded to get to McGlashan's,
found the pile of essays at doorstep though the clock said 5:35,
"see why you don't give up?"
to Hillsdale and beyond,
in a small, shameful vioce, "where are we going?"
"it's okay. because I need to change
I don't know what to wear,"
pulled up Marina,
bought food,
went home while Father pulls out to pick up Mother,
changes out of casualwear (which I have been warned to stay away from),
Mother comes back,
frantically eat,
brought a bowlful to eat in car,
arrive at school,
not liking having to tuck in a shirt that is not designed to be tucked in,
sits with Tiffany,
(some were not warned against casual attire?)
whispers a prediction of winner,
my name was spoken and I get up to the front,
Doyle hands me a black gift with red ribbons and says, "so you're now gonna join my AP Physics class?"
I laugh,
amused at the "attempt to round me into AP Phys (which Father was against),
more names and wows and claps,
"you too"
repeated a few times,
food, fruits,
unwraps the black to find a Made in China clock from "Made In Taiwan" Club with my name engraved,
ate Marina food,
sits in front of computer,
utterly tired and wants sleep,
types this,
complains from Grandmother about how I should take a shower,
go to sleep
(because she knows the excess of sleep I got last night)
how I used to be such a good child,
i didn't respond,
wanting to finish this,
so I can shower,
not do homework
(too tired to remember any homework anyway)
(too tired to do any homework anyway)

An attempt to keep things simple because typing full sentences are beyond my range after writing [8 - 2] pages within twenty-four hours?

1 comment:

  1. Nice, what award did you win?
    It's always uncomfortable, but the award night thing is really for the sake of the parents, I know most students couldn't care less, especially since they never figured out how to make hours of sitting under bright lights in sem-formal attire comfortable. Though last year I think they did provide bottled water.

    Essay=12-page long history paper? Yeah, it sure did feel long at the time. (hint hint)

    Aww, you should take AP physics. It was really fun, and not as hard as some people tried to pretend it was (of course, that's coming from me). Doyle graded very leniently.
