07 May 2005

Smith College plus Sexual Preference

Regarding Amy's post yesterday:

Most of us are bisexual to some degree, whether it's appreciating/looking up to the same sex or whatnot, it's still bisexuality, isn't it? So perhaps Being with the same gender for such a long period of time just allow them to discover and express the love and appreciation that is usually dominated by the bisexual social pressure. That, and perhaps there's just an intimacy in that...

But what do I know anyways?


  1. Anonymous7.5.05

    What? Since when is social pressure bisexual? I figured most of societal pressure would be toward heterosexuality... Anyway, everyone is obviously bisexual to some degree, since they can just be bisexual to the 0th degree.

  2. Eh? Explanation, please?

    Since anything to the zeroeth degree is one... i DON'T GET IT. LoL. xD

  3. Anonymous8.5.05

    -_- I didn't mean it like.. 0th power. Just that 0 is still a number... and still possibly the amount that someone is bisexual. Like they're still bisexual to a certain amount, and the amount is 0. If that makes it any less confusing. Probably not huh?

  4. Jeff sounds like he just watched "This is Spinal Tap."
    His reasoning reminds me of the "these go to 11" and "none more black" dialogues.
    What he means that saying "everyone is bisexual to some degree" still allows for people who are not bisexual at all, because "not at all" is a valid substitution (logically, but not grammatically) for "to some degree."

    But I'd say you can't really be a "little bit bisexual" any more than you can be "a little bit pregnant."

  5. Wait...what about Smith College?
    Er...if you mean you're considering going to Smith, I would advise against it. It's as expensive as the best schools, but nowhere near as good, and it's in the "uncool" (aka not Cambridge/Boston) part of Massachusetts.

  6. Anonymous8.5.05


  7. ^Looooooooooooooooooooool?

  8. LOL, Larry + anonymous.

    I guess my sentence clarity problem strikes again. I did mean that society would put pressure towards being heterosexual. But in the absence of seeing heterosexual couples everywhere, the people might interpret that admiring attitude as love-love instead of friend-love.

    Fine then. On a scale of zero to ten, zero being completely straight and ten being the most homosexual being you can find, most of us hang out around 2-4. (If I remember what Dr. Fraser said correctly...Too lazy to go look at my notes. Confirmation please, Amy?)

  9. Maybe you and your friends hang out around 2-4, but that's when I have class.

  10. Aa, gomen, gomen. DUHH, degree and not power. My misinterpretation. ^_^;

    1) i would disagree. i consider myself a "little bit bisexual." See #2 and #3 for further explanations.
    2) Bernice, i don't really remember what Dr. Fraser said, but the Kinsey scale ranges from zero to six. Zero is yes, totally heterosexual, and six is completely homosexual. Definitively bisexual (50% hetero- + 50% homo- attraction) is three.
    3) iii'm thinking i'd be around one or two. More likely one-point-five :D because, while i am in a heterosexual relationship, i find members of both sexes attractive. :)
    4) Oh, haha... In response to "... they're still bisexual to a certain amount, and the amount is 0..." That makes them asexual, doesn't it? =]

    Kyaa. Was this coherent? ._.

  11. (To outdo the above, I feel compelled to make this post _completely in Japanese.)
    ...sayonara -_-

  12. Wasn't the parenthetical note just utterly NOT in Japanese, though?

    i saw "outdo" and i thought you'd've outdone my comment rather than my poor linguistic skills..?



  14. Oh, HAHAHA, MY MISTAKE. (Who elses?)

    Somehow...I think this suprisingly large amount of comments hints at the frequency of how often you people check my blog (and how utterly bored you must be), which leads to WHY my counter went from 2000 to 2107 in just afew days o___O;;;

    Haha, getting off topic. And Larry, I somehow feel that your last comment is kinda lame. <_<;; But really. It's not my place to say =D

  15. LOL we are definitely off topic and i wouldn't say that it's necessarily NOT your place to say, BerBer. i was going to say the same, really, just in... different terms... but i hadn't, thinking to point it out would have been somewhat pointless. :D

    Oh well. xD

  16. Me? Be lame? [lol]

    Perhaps we check too much, but perhaps if you updated more the comments would be moved to that new post so there wouldn't be 16 on this one.
